Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 604: It's hard to live as you want

The two met in Wolong Mountain Villa. Jiang Yuan is a photographer and Lin Zijian is a painter. The two have a lot of topics in common, so they hit it off.

Because there are some ancient street buildings in Jincheng, Lin Zijian invited Jiang Yuan who traveled around to visit Jincheng for a few days.

"By the way, you have been out for so many days, your family should be worried, when do you plan to return to the Imperial City?" Lin Zijian asked.

Jiang Yuan took a sip of coffee and said very depressed, "I worked well in a foreign country at the beginning, but my grandma lied to me that I was seriously ill. I came back in a hurry, only to find that they lied to me together and arranged a blind date for me."

Lin Zijian was surprised, "Do you still need a blind date?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh no, I mean, you are not married yet?"

Jiang Yuan smiled, "Why do I look like a married person?"

Lin Zijian smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to answer this.

Jiang Yuan said openly, “When I was abroad, I talked about boyfriends, but they didn’t reach the point of getting married. I’m a person, it’s easy to live life into a poem, so my friends say I’m suitable for doing it. Little fairy."

She paused and added, "Even if you are older, you are still a little fairy."

Lin Zijian laughed, and he said with emotion, "In fact, it is not so simple to want to live as you want. People around you will point and point, and even say, everyone is like that, why do you have to be independent. "

"Yes, it's very annoying." Jiang Yuan felt the same when thinking of the things in her own home.

She suddenly thought of something, blinked, and asked, "Mr. Lin, how about you?"

"What's wrong with me?"

"are you married?"

Lin Zijian smiled bitterly, "I'm in my early forties, of course I was married. My son is about to graduate from college. It's just that I'm divorced now."

Jiang Yuan nodded and did not continue to ask, after all, everyone has their own privacy.

Originally, it was a meeting by the water, and she was particularly fond of it. Jiang Yuan spent two days in Jincheng and was also going to return to the Imperial City.

There is no way, as Lin Zijian said just now, it is actually difficult to live the life you want.

She can ignore the eyes of those who are in a mess around her.

But there is no way to be merciless to relatives.

Here Lin Zijian made an appointment with Jiang Yuan to take her to the airport tomorrow, and then went back to Lin's house first, and Lin Rui told about Wang Jie's arrival during the day.

Lin Zijian said apologetically, "I'm sorry Rui Rui, I caused you trouble."

"Uncle, don't say that. She doesn't dare to do anything to me, just to remind you, lest she does anything crazy."

Lin Zijian nodded.

He thought for a while and said, "Rui Rui, are you planning to go to the Imperial City tomorrow? What time is the plane?"

Lin Rui said the time.

Lin Zijian said, "I met a photographer friend in Wolong Mountain Villa. She will also return to the Imperial City tomorrow. You are on the same flight."


"Well, tomorrow there will be something for Zikang Company. I will give it to you, and it will happen to her."

Lin Rui smiled and nodded, "Okay."

I don't know if it is due to geography. The thunder and lightning weather in the Imperial City is much more than in Jincheng.

Now Lin Rui's cultivation base has been built on five levels. Although it is still far away from the Golden Core period, it is not bad to be able to break through a small realm this summer vacation.

Cultivators must have patience.

After all, objectively speaking, Lin Rui's cultivation speed is already against the sky, and she is probably not satisfied with it.

Everything is ready here, but that night, Lin Rui received a call from Li Tao.