Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 587: I feel so shameless

As if remembering something, he raised his head and looked at Lin Zikang who was standing beside the old lady Lin.

Looking at him with indifferent eyes!

Lin Zikang got it! They all know it!

Lin Yuanzhou was in a mess and couldn't help staggering back two steps.

At this time Lin Zijian had turned and left disappointedly.

After a while, several cars drove away.

Lin Yuan Zhou stayed in place, his face was super ugly.

Who told them? Who told them on earth? !

Lin Rui looked down slightly and sighed lightly.

Lin Yuanzhou was raised crooked by Wang Jie. He had a good child, hey, what a pity, what a pity.

In the other car, Lin Zikang and Lin Zijian brothers were sitting on it.

Lin Zijian was very frustrated.

He sighed and said, "Zikang, how come I feel that I have failed so much!"

"Brother, it's not your fault."

"Why is it not my fault? I married my wife, and my son is mine. In fact, I don’t blame Wang Jie anymore. After all, I have always been obsessed with painting. Without asking too much, he ignored Wang Jie and Yuanzhou." Lin Zijian covered his head in pain, "Perhaps, I shouldn't have gotten married."

"When I learned about the things Xu Man did, I also regretted it and regretted that I shouldn't marry her. But later I realized that no matter what, the wrong thing that I did has already happened, so don't stay in regret. Only raising your head and actively facing all the next is the right way."

Suddenly being educated by his younger brother, Lin Zijian suddenly wanted to cry.

Looking at his red eyes, Lin Zikang said quickly, "Brother, bear with me, don't cry! This old man, cry whenever you want, you make me a little brother, it feels very shameless!"

Lin Zijian was amused by his brother's words, "Why, I cried, you still don't recognize my brother?"

"A brother who is still crying in his forties, who dares to recognize him."

Lin Zijian:...

However, because of Lin Zikang's gag, Lin Zijian was not so uncomfortable.

He sighed lightly and said, "I am also dereliction of duty, and I didn't educate Yuanzhou well."

"In a wrong marriage, both people are at fault. Whether it is neglect, or condone, or endless ambition, unsatisfied greed. Brother, since it's wrong, it ends. It ends. Don't think again. ."

"...Zikang, I feel that you are about to become a philosopher."

"Talk of experience!"

The brothers glanced at each other, and both saw deep helplessness in each other's eyes.

Yes, both of their brothers seem to have failed in marriage.

Fortunately, everything that was wrong has ended. Then, cherish the family that should be cherished and live a good life.

The Lin family happily went out to travel.

At the same time, Lin Xiao finally tried his best, then returned to China and rushed back to Jincheng.

She looked at Xu Man in the prison and lost all her language.

Xu Man raised his head, looked at the shocked daughter in his eyes, and laughed at himself, "Are you out of money? I think if you have money, you will definitely not come back."

Lin Xiao frowned.

"You're my mother, isn't it justified to give me money!" Lin Xiao disliked the environment in the prison a little bit. She looked around and didn't want to stay any longer.

Xu Man continued to smile and said, "Yes, I am your mother and I will give you money, but what should I do? I'm in jail now, I can't pay you anymore."

"then what do I do!?"