Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 586: Do not double the standard

Lin Yuanzhou couldn't help it anymore and said loudly, "My mother said you gave my second uncle the stock? Isn't it?! Did you treat me as your son!?"

Lin Zijian looked up at Lin Yuanzhou in amazement, as if he knew his son the first day!

It turned out that the son was so angry that Xingshi asked the crime, mainly not asking why they got divorced.

Instead, he asked why he would give the stock to others!

The old lady Lin couldn't listen anymore, she looked at Lin Zikang a little anxiously, "Zikang, look, here, why does this Yuanzhou suddenly become like this?"

So how can a well-behaved, obedient and sensible child yell at his father?

A sneer flashed across the corner of Lin Zikang's mouth.

"It's not what he has become, but what he is now. That's what he really is."

This is the good boy Wang Jie taught.

Lin Zikang would never treat this only nephew wrongly, and he also said about the stocks before. In the future, as long as the elder brother speaks, he will immediately transfer it to Yuanzhou.

The contracts are all written in black and white.

But unexpectedly, Lin Yuanzhou didn't trust his father at all, nor did he have any affection or respect.

Here Lin Zijian frowned and looked at Lin Yuanzhou. He said, "Yuanzhou, if you ask me if I treat you as a son, ask yourself, what did I do before that I didn’t treat you as a son? Also, ask yourself again. , Do you consider me your father?!"

"I, of course I have!"

"If anything, you wouldn't talk to me like this today, would you?"

"I..." Lin Yuanzhou was very irritable. He looked at the people over there who was going to go out, and then whispered, "Dad, let's go home and talk."

In fact, he also realized that he was impulsive just now.

After all, the issue of stocks is not suitable for speaking in front of his uncle Lin Zikang.

But Lin Zijian smiled helplessly, "That is no longer my home."

Lin Yuanzhou frowned fiercely. He was about to speak, but he heard a crisp voice calling Lin Zijian.

"Uncle, have you finished talking? Let's set off after we have finished talking. If we don't leave, we won't be able to catch the plane." Lin Rui said.

Lin Zijian had a meal.

He turned his head and nodded gratefully to Lin Rui, and then said to Lin Yuanzhou, "I'll talk about it when I come back."

"Where are you going? Our home is like this. Are you still in the mood to travel and paint?" Lin Yuanzhou asked in astonishment as he looked at the painting tools his father was holding.

There was a strong condemnation in his tone.

After Lin Zijian heard this, he became more and more chilled.

Lin Rui came over, took over the painting tools in Lin Zijian's hand, and said to Lin Yuanzhou, "Cousin, why does your house become like this? I suggest you go back and ask your mother carefully. Uncle is in a bad mood. Go out with him to relax. After all, we have the intention, and we treat him as family, unlike some unintentional people."

Lin Yuanzhou had long known that this cousin had become eloquent, especially difficult to deal with.

Anyway, his face was torn, and he didn't care anymore.

Lin Yuanzhou said with a sullen face, "This is my family's business, Lin Rui, don't interrupt!"

"Oh, then why is my cousin helping your little girlfriend to intervene in my family affairs? It stands to reason that Cheng Yunyun shouldn't marry you yet, you all turn your elbows out, tusk, cousin, you Is the double standard a bit serious?"

"You, how do you know..." Lin Yuanzhou was shocked.