Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 567: A Xing is so warm

But because Yunze deliberately did it, those in the Yun family are still being kept in the dark. Some do not know that Yunze has already intervened. In other areas, such as entertainment companies, even if they know that Yunze has intervened, Became a vice president.

But he still thinks that the successor of this diseased seed must be a mascot.

Seeing the concern and dissatisfaction in the little girl's eyes, Yunze didn't know what was wrong, and suddenly felt a little frustrated.

He held back his cough, put his hand to his mouth, and said softly, "Not next time."

Lin Rui opened her mouth to continue training, and suddenly remembered that Xiao Qibao had reminded her that now Ahang has not recovered her memory, if she is so fierce, be careful that Yunze runs away.

Lin Rui paused, and swallowed those words again.

In the end, only one sentence was said, "Your own body is not rare for yourself, who is rare."

Qibao covered his eyes in the space.

Master, your words are very ambiguous!

Here Yunze originally thought that Lin Rui would still say that he didn't cherish his body, but when the conversation turned around, he was a bit resentful?

He suddenly felt that he should review it.

Does it worry the little girl too much?

As for the square driving in the driver's position, I really want to raise the small partition to isolate the person behind the bodyguard abuse!

It's just a pity that wood has a small table board, so wood rises.

He can only choke on dog food.

Fortunately, after a while, the two of them did not speak, and they seemed to be tired.

In fact, it was Lin Rui who cast a barrier, and Yunze felt dazed to fall asleep again, and then, in the dimness, felt something on his mouth lightly touched again.


?(????ω????)? What just happened.

The feeling of deja vu made Yunze's heart beat faster, but on the contrary, his eyelids were so heavy that he couldn't lift it.

In the end, Yunze could no longer struggle and fell asleep directly.

Lin Rui gave Yunze another replenishing pill and frowned slightly.

Although Yunze's body is much better than when she first met her, no matter how she uses the replenishing pill and the spirit gathering talismans, Yunze's body can't hold aura.

It's all because of that seal!

That seal completely eliminated Yunze's way of life!

Fang Ge was very considerate and didn't drive the car back to Lin's house directly. After seeing Yunze sitting behind and falling asleep, he drove around Jincheng.

Here Yunze didn't know how long he slept, and he felt very comfortable when he woke up.

Sure enough, every time I come to see the little girl, it feels very comfortable both physically and mentally.

He turned his head and saw that the little girl did not know when, she was also leaning against the car window, her eyes closed.

Yunze was worried that the car would bump and the girl would hit his head... The most important thing was that he didn't dare to let the girl lean on his shoulders at this time.

So he reached out and put his hand between the girl's face and the car window.

The square driving in front:...

He didn't see, he didn't see anything, he was just a little bodyguard who could only drive, more than 1.8 meters.

Lin Rui, who didn't fall asleep at all, was closing his eyes and communicating with Qibao with spiritual consciousness:...

Qibao held his face and said there, "Oh my god, Ah Xing is so warm."

Lin Rui was very speechless, wishing to use her spiritual sense to fly the chess, she opened her eyes and turned to look at Yunze.

Yunze didn't expect Lin Rui to wake up so soon, he suppressed the regret in his heart, and he withdrew his hand very calmly.

He continued to say calmly, "I actually fell asleep."