Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 566: Come to pick you up from school

Ouyang Qian didn't know what to say anymore.

Is it because the less you can get, the more you want to get it?

Ouyang Qian was silent for a while, and said slowly, "Xiao Jin, you are about to take the college entrance examination soon. If you fail to perform at the college entrance examination because you can't calm down to study... you will be farther and farther away from her."

Ouyang Jin on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time.

He took the phone and quietly looked at the photo of Lin Rui in the computer.

He was attracted to Lin Rui because Lin Rui became better and better, but if he himself became not good enough, what qualifications did he have to like Lin Rui?

After a long silence, he whispered to the sister on the phone, "Sister, I know what to do."

After Ouyang Qian hung up the phone, she sighed in her heart that the best thing you should do now is to give up Lin Rui.

Ouyang Qian did not tell her brother that Lin Rui starred in that movie. She felt that there was no need for it.

Speaking out, it was bothering my brother and Lin Rui.

Turning around, she went to work diligently again, telling the support group about movie tickets.

At the same time, Yunze's work team is naturally also promoting this film, but because of Yunze's health, he does not participate in the promotion activities in every city.

Only participated in the promotion activities of Jincheng.

And did not tell Lin Rui that he had come to Jincheng.

Jincheng’s promotional activity was on March 13, so when Lin Rui was pulling the car door after school on the 12th, he suddenly found Yunze sitting in the back seat.

Lin Rui:! ! ! ! !

She suddenly reacted, and there were other classmates behind her, so she jumped into the car quickly and closed the door.

"Fangge, drive!" Lin Rui said eagerly.

Fangge understood in seconds and immediately started the car.

Li Tao, who had left Lin Rui a few steps behind, did not catch up with Lin Rui!

Looking at the surprise in the little girl's eyes here, the corners of Yunze's mouth raised, and his heart was soft and warm.

Lin Rui asked curiously, "Why are you here?"

"Come to pick you up from school."

"...I mean, why did you come to Jincheng?" Lin Rui looked up and down at Yunze, and finally reached out and clasped his wrist.


Whatever I wanted to say, I was surprised by the little girl's series of operations!

Suddenly grabbing my hand or something...

Yunze pursed his mouth, and let Lin Rui hold his wrist very obediently, with a calm voice, "I am going to promote the new movie tomorrow, so I came early. I just passed by here and I will come to see you."

Grid sat in front of her belly.

Passing by!

It must have come specially!

After all, if Jincheng is a place for film promotion, Yunze himself is not needed at all.

"Oh." Lin Rui nodded, and then easily accepted the reason for passing by.

Driving grid:...

I said Miss Lin, why did you believe it so easily!

In fact, Lin Rui didn't think so much. She knew that Yunze had come specially, and she was also worried about Yunze's physical condition.

Otherwise, I can just grab my hand... Oh no, can I get his pulse.

After checking the pulse, Lin Rui retracted his hand, frowned and said, "Have you been too hard recently? It depends on your condition."

"Well, I'm a little busy lately."

Yunze's words are actually a bit perfunctory.

After all, he has already mastered half of the Yun family now, so he is not just busy, but very busy!