Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 495: Call Luo brother not cousin again

Yun Ze was already in the crowd and saw Lin Rui.

Today's little girl is wearing a beige woolen coat, small black leather boots, a long white shirt with a neckline and exquisite embroidery.

Obviously she was dressed in a very simple manner, and she hadn't been dressed yet, but no one could ignore her brilliance.

His little girl has always been so beautiful.

Luo Huacheng glanced at his cousin's so indifferent appearance, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Obviously waiting here deliberately, and acting like a chance encounter? !

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

After all, he was a cousin, so the expression on Luo Huacheng's face was just right to reveal a touch of surprise.

He said, "Aze, have you finished talking with the president?"

"En, this is..." Yun Ze first nodded politely with Lin Rui, then turned to look at Lin Zikang.

In fact, the 18th generation of the ancestor of the Lin family had been investigated, but Yun Ze did not meet Lin Zikang directly.

Lin Zikang is also a smart person. He doesn't chase stars, but when you look at Yunze's appearance, this aura, and Luo Huacheng's attitude towards him, you can understand that this young man is not low in status.

He stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, I am Lin Zikang, Lin Rui's father."

"Oh, it turned out to be Lin Rui's father," Yun Ze also stretched out his hand and shook Lin Zi Kangxu's hand before releasing it.

In terms of etiquette, there was nothing wrong with this brief handshake.

Lin Zikang is also very satisfied.

Although Luohuacheng is full of stomachs, but now he can’t vomit, as long as he swallows it first, he said to Lin Zikang, “Mr. Lin, this is Yunze, the artist I’m in charge of, and the shareholder of Yun’s Entertainment.”

Lin Zikang understood immediately.

It turns out that the sick young man in front of him is the young master of Yun's Entertainment!

He also worked hard to investigate Yun's Entertainment before, so he naturally knew Yunze.

Lin Zikang's expression became serious again immediately, and said, "Mr. Yun, hello."

From the perspective of the market, Lin Zikang's attitude towards Yunze has no choice, after all, behind him is the entire Yun family.

The aristocratic family who ranked first in the Imperial City!

How do you describe it? In front of the Yun family's huge family business, the Jincheng Lin family is like the little chicken in front of the elephant.

One nose can be thrown away.

But Yunze has a special affection for Lin Rui, so Lin Zikang put down his posture like this, Yun Ze's eyes flashed with helplessness.

Fortunately, the expression remained unchanged.

Luo Huacheng on one side was already suffocating a very hard smile.

As for Chen Qi, holding a coffee cup, looking at Lin Rui curiously, and winking at Lin Rui secretly...

Lin Rui:...

She held her forehead slightly, feeling this scene a bit strange.

So Lin Rui said to Luo Huacheng, "Brother Luo, it's almost time to visit, let's see the contract."

"Oh, yes, yes, sign the contract." Luo Huacheng suddenly realized that this is a big deal.

Luo Huacheng also has his own office, but if he is not in this area, he will take everyone to his office first.

Then... Yun Ze followed Chen Qi with him.

Luo Huacheng looked over, and Yun Ze quietly said, "Brother Luo, I just happened to have something to do with you, so let's talk about it together."

Take a look! Take a look!

Not happy yet! Call Luo brother not cousin again!

Luo Huacheng suppressed the corner of his mouth that he wanted to twitch, nodded and said, "Okay, let's go together, just in time I will talk to you about the next itinerary later."

When a large group of people huffed and walked away, the people around pretending to be working craned their necks and watched them.