Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 494: Are you planning to retire me early?

He raised his eyes slightly, and looked at him, who looked very fragile like this crystal.

Yunze coughed again, and then nodded, "It was said that I took over when I was an adult. It has been delayed for almost three years because of my health. During this time, I feel my health is better. So I plan to start taking over gradually."

Yun Haotian raised his eyebrows.

"From Yun's Entertainment?"


The smile on Yun Haotian's face rippled bit by bit.

He smiled and said, "Aze, are you planning to retire me early?"

"No, you will be the president of Yun's Entertainment for the time being, I will start with the vice president." Yunze smiled slightly.

The two people smiled at each other. At first glance, they thought the chat was very harmonious, but there were shadows in the dark.

Smiles and frowns are all temptations to each other.

Yun Haotian quietly looked at Yunze in front of him, and said with a smile, "Well, if your body can do it, come on, I'll let people prepare your vice president office. In addition, tomorrow The board meeting is just in time, and I will announce your appointment at the meeting."

"Uncle Haotian that has worked so hard."

"No matter how hard it is, this is what it should be."

The two exchanged greetings for a while, and Yun Ze planned to leave. Seeing that his face was really pale, Yun Haotian naturally did not leave him.

Just before Yun Ze left, Yun Haotian suddenly said, "By the way, Aze, do you know about the signing of a new person in Luohua City?"

"Oh, I know. But my cousin always has a sense of measure. I trust his vision."

"I also thought about letting him bring other newcomers. Now he can take the initiative to discover new seedlings, which is not bad." Yun Haotian looked at Yunze, and then said softly, "You too, don't work too hard, less Follow a little announcement and script."

"Uncle Haotian, the bosses of other people's houses can't wait for their artists to receive more announcements and scripts. Where can there be someone like you."

"Because you are not an ordinary entertainer, Aze."

The two were silent for a moment, and smiled at each other.

Yunze held a virtual hand on his lips, coughed, and said, "Uncle Haotian, I'm leaving now."

"Well, remember to come to the board of directors at three tomorrow afternoon."


When the door of the president's office slowly closed, Yun Hao looked at the door fixedly, and after a while, took out his mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers.

After the call was connected, Yun Haotian's voice became respectful.

He said, "Master, Aze has come to me. He intends to start from the vice president. Oh, I understand, I will open the board of directors tomorrow to announce this matter, eh."

When Yun Haotian was on the phone with other people, Yunze strolled in the company, and everyone around him bowed their heads and greeted respectfully when they saw him.

Yunze smiled faintly.

Chen Qi came out from the pantry with a cup of coffee, the coffee was still a bit hot, he forgot.

After taking a sip, his teeth were grinning.

However, Chen Qi looked at Yunze's expression and said with concern, "Brother Yun, should we go to your lounge to rest for a while?"

Just as Yunze was about to speak, a few people walked up in a lively manner.

Luo Huacheng was introducing to Lin Zikang dryly, "This floor is the senior management area, and the office of our big boss is further ahead. I won't take you there."

Lin Rui was two steps behind.

As if feeling something, she slowly raised her head and saw the clouds not far away.