Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 419: Master, you are really hard-hearted

"I know."

Lin Rui took a step, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

No matter how many souls, no matter who they are, they dare to hurt Ah Xing...

She will make him pay an unimaginable price!

Lin Rui appeared in Yunze's ward.

Chen Qi, the boy with red eyes, stood by Yunze's hospital bed.

Lin Rui waved, Chen Qi rubbed his eyes, yawned, and finally fell asleep on the edge of Yunze's bed.

Looking at the cloud with no blood on his face, Lin Rui's eyes flashed with purple electric flowers.

Qibao bit his lip and said, "Master, A Xing's vitality has been sucked away by that formation! If it weren't for the jade pendant you left him to play a role, I'm afraid that..."

The situation at Yunze at this time is worse than when he first saw it at Jincheng Farm.

Lin Rui had fed Yunze the pill, and then used spiritual power to guide the pill to be absorbed by Yunze's body as soon as possible.

At the same time, Lin Rui waved his hand to draw out the eternal life spring in the space. The spring water floated in the air, then slowly fell, and finally gently wrapped Yunze's body in it.

To Lin Rui at this time, spiritual power was consumed enormously.

In fact, if you let Ah Xing soak in the Eternal Life Spring in the Qibao Space for a while, your body will heal faster.

But now Lin Rui's cultivation base is not enough to do this.

Fortunately, it can lead to the fountain of eternal life.

When all this was done and the eternal life spring water evaporated in the air, Lin Rui shook his body.

"Master!" Qibao looked at Lin Rui worriedly.

Lin Rui wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "I'm fine."

She took out a piece of spirit jade from the Qibao space, and injected a strand of divine consciousness into it again.

Even if she did it this way, her cultivation would be very detrimental.

But if even Ah Xing cannot protect her, what's the point of her coming alive again!

Lin Rui gently wore the jade pendant with a red string and hung it around Yunze's neck again.

After finishing all this, Yunze hadn't woken up yet, but his face looked a little more rosier than before.

There was also some anger.

The heartbeat pulse is approaching normal value.

Looking at Yunze, who was still unconscious, Lin Rui stretched out her hand, but the hand fell in the air, and there was a pause for a few seconds. The next moment, she took it back again.

The Qibao in the space had his eyes covered, but as a result...

Qibao: -_-||You don't even touch it. Master, you are really hard-hearted.

After Lin Rui saw that Yunze's condition had become better, she turned around, opened the window, and disappeared into the night.

Yunze felt that he had a strange and absurd dream.

In the dream, there is a piece of snow and white, and there are silver clothes everywhere, especially cold.

What is strange is that he doesn't feel cold at all, and he walks on the snow like a flat river in a thin robe.

He seemed to be looking for something.

Then, he finally found it!

But the moment I found it, I suddenly felt the ground under my feet tremble. The originally calm snowfield suddenly twisted, and then a large body larger than a polar bear emerged from it!

The eyes of the black hole were shining an angry cold light.

Aware of the danger, Yunze drew a sword reflexively, and fought with the big guy.

As soon as the picture turned, he felt as if he had left the vast white world. Hearing the melodious piano sound in his ear, raising his head, Yunze saw a young woman sitting on the tree.

The woman's face was a little fuzzy.