Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 418: He is the one you protect

The gloomy voice snorted coldly, and said uncomfortably, "You should hurry up and practice, and even those who refining Qi are afraid of Dzogchen, it's really pitiful."

Dongfang Qingqiu stopped talking and meditated there cross-legged.

However, his face is full of dark birds.

At the same time, Luo Huacheng had already contacted other people by phone and sent Yunze to the best local hospital.

The doctor performed a comprehensive physical examination on Yunze, who was in a coma, but he felt that all the organs in his body were very weak, and he couldn't find out any injuries.

But the heartbeat and pulse are very weak.

Luo Huacheng also felt weak, but at this time he was more worried about Yunze.

He grabbed the doctor by the collar and asked eagerly, "Doctor, what's wrong with my cousin? Why is he still awake?"

"Mr. Luo, don't get excited, Mr. Yun is fine, just exhausted. Don't worry, he is not life-threatening. He will wake up after resting." The doctor was almost strangled to death by Luo Huacheng.

After Luo Huacheng listened, he let go.

The doctor took a deep breath and then said, "But his body is really too bad, so weak, how can he climb the mountain?"

Luo Huacheng remained silent.

Why did his cousin suddenly agree to this show and come to climb the mountain? He knows why.

If you hadn't come to participate in this show, you wouldn't have encountered such unthinkable things.

Blame him!

He should have stopped Aze from the beginning!

The doctor had already left, Luo Huacheng sat on the long chair in the hospital corridor and scratched his hair irritably.

Obviously, after meeting Lin Rui, Aze's condition has improved a lot, he thought... he thought that Aze would get better soon!

For some reason, Luo Huacheng remembered that when he was a child, he could play wildly, but the little Aze could only wear a hospital gown and secretly look out the window in the hospital.

"Are these two pieces of jade yours?"

Hearing the sound, Luo Huacheng slowly raised his head.

He remembered the man before him.

It was this man who found Chen Qi and the others. After receiving his call, he immediately brought someone to help take Aze to the hospital.

Luo Huacheng's sight fell on the jade pendant.

He remembers this jade pendant.

It was given to Aze by Lin Rui, who was showing off to him...

It's just that the unpretentious jade pendant has been split in two, and at the same time it has become dull.


"Well, then you will take care of him first." Mo Ran looked at the other party, and finally comforted a little awkwardly, "Don't worry, your cousin will be fine."

"Thank you." Luo Huacheng's mood is still very low.

Mo Ran was not good at comforting people. After sending the broken jade, he turned around and walked outside.

When I turned a corner, I suddenly felt a familiar breath.

In the next moment, a little girl with a cold air appeared in front of him.

Mo Ran was not surprised. He said, "From that piece of broken jade pendant, I can feel your breath. I know that he is the one you protect."

"How is he now?"

"Unconscious." Mo Ran paused. "We had a face-to-face with Dongfang Qingqiu, but let him escape. He laid a few formations on this mountain, and your friend and his companion strayed into it... "

Lin Rui turned around and left.

Mo Ran suddenly said, "In Dongfang Qingqiu's body, there are two soul bodies. Moreover, these two soul bodies are not Dongfang Qingqiu himself!"

Lin Rui stopped.

Mo Ran continued, "I guess the real Dongfang Qingqiu should be dead."