Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 262: Beautiful and handsome

As their boss, Qi Hanjiang sat lazily.

He is tall and well-proportioned, not to mention handsome in his facial features.

Not only the girls in the third middle school like him, but the girls in other schools have a lot of admiration for him.

And boys in sports are undoubtedly more attractive to girls.

Because it is the home court of Third Middle School, many girls came to cheer for Third Middle School.

To be more precise, they are actually cheering on Qi Hanjiang.

"Brother Jiang is the most handsome!"

"Brother Jiang, come on!"

Listening to these beautiful girls chatting there, Qi Hanjiang said lazily, "It's noisy."

As soon as his words fell, the basketball court, which was originally lively, suddenly fell silent.

It's just that the reason for the quiet of the basketball hall was not because of what Qi Hanjiang said.

It's because people from the experimental middle school are here.

To be precise, it was because the girl who walked in the forefront had short hair, a tall figure, bright features, and a magnificent...

Lin Rui.

Lin Rui was at the forefront, even if she was the shortest among this group of people...After all, the shortest member of the school team in the experiment was 1.78 meters.

But Lin Rui was the most powerful person in this group.

People can't move their eyes.

Not to mention, at this moment, a group of tall boys walked behind her. At first glance, it seemed like the queen was patrolling, followed by a group of entourage.

At this time, some people in the basketball hall gradually recovered their voices.

But they just dared to whisper.

"Fuck! That is the girl school grass of the experimental middle school? It's more handsome and beautiful than the picture!"

"My god, it's so pretty, beautiful and handsome... I suddenly want to climb the wall!"

"Take me with you."

Of course, there are also different voices.

"Huh, don't you just look better, I don't think it's a big deal."

"Yes, maybe it's just to attract Brother Jiang's attention! What a scheming girl!"

I have to say that Qi Hanjiang's popularity in the third middle school is particularly high.

Even if he changes girlfriends frequently, it doesn't affect those girls who love him.

After all, in addition to his handsome, rich and generous, there is also this person from the Emperor City.

At this time, Qi Hanjiang was really attracted by Lin Rui.

He looked at Lin Rui who was walking in the front with a bit of playfulness.

Suddenly I feel even more that this little girl is very interesting!

When the people from the experimental middle school came, they went to their rest area to prepare.

Li Tao also came.

However, he is not from the school team, so naturally he will not play this game, but he also followed the team.

He is not short, others think he is a substitute for the school team.

But he never left Lin Rui in his sight during the whole process.

Especially after seeing so many people's eyes falling on Lin Rui, Li Tao was proud while feeling a little depressed.

Finally, Li Tao's sight fell on Lin Rui's feet.

He suddenly remembered what he had forgotten in a flash before.

He wanted to give Lin Rui a pair of Jordan sneakers!

And the pair of shoes on Lin Rui's feet were better than the pair he wanted to give away!

And Kawaii's signature!

Li Tao looked at Lin Rui, "This pair of shoes is not easy to buy, and the world is estimated to have only 30 pairs. Lin Rui, your dad is so amazing, you can actually buy it.

And Lin Rui's feet are very small, I'm afraid this shoe size, the whole world has one pair.

After all, there are some limited items, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy them.

Lin Rui didn't know much about basketball shoes, and really didn't know that these shoes were so difficult to buy.

She blinked, "My dad didn't buy these shoes."