Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 261: Are they male?

Lin Rui doesn't feel anything wrong with doing this.

She has already closed her temper. If Xu Man really looks unpleasant one day, she will be stunned!

She has already given the other side a shot.

After solving the matter, Lin Rui returned to the room and tried his shoes.

Just right.

Lin Rui took a picture and sent it to Yunze.

Lin Rui: The shoes are just right, thank you.

Yun Zeke kept waiting with his mobile phone. He looked at the photo, and the corners of his eyes and brows were smiling.

Yunze: Why did you suddenly remember playing basketball?

Lin Rui: Oh, the group of boys from sports students in the third middle school next door came to provoke him and asked how our school chose a girl as the school grass, and they made an appointment for this basketball game. I didn't know how to play basketball before, so I learned how to learn it, which felt quite interesting.

Yunze:! ! ! ! ! !

Yunze: Are they male?

Lin Rui: Yes.

Yunze took the cell phone and read it several times, and finally made a direct call to Square.

Fang Ge didn't know about this. After all, he didn't know about Lin Rui at school.

Every time Lin Rui practiced, he was in school.

It was also when Lin Rui and Lin Zikang were sent back just now that Fang Ge realized that the opponents in this basketball game were all boys.

He has not had time to report to Yunze.

Yunze's tone was calm, "What do you want?"

Fang Ge was anxious and said immediately: "Boss! Miss Lin Rui will go to the basketball game tomorrow afternoon, I will definitely go together! Just now received the order, Mr. Lin said to bring more bodyguards! He will take me!"

Grid's desire to survive can be said to be very strong.

Yun Ze said quietly, "If something happens to Lin Rui tomorrow..."

"Boss, I will let my head meet you on its own!"

After hanging up the phone, Yunze felt calmer, but...still a little unhappy.

His little girl is going to play basketball with a group of stinky boys!

And Chen Qi, who was next to him, looked at his brother Yun in fear, his expression changed for a while.

Give me back to my old brother Yun who was light and gentle!

But no matter how ups and downs Yunze was, he couldn't stop Lin Rui from competing in this basketball game, and finally couldn't help but exhort Grid.

Fang Ge suddenly felt that the task of protecting Miss Lin was more difficult than protecting the boss himself!

Lin Rui didn't know Yunze's thoughts there, and she quickly put the matter aside.

Then start... to practice.

The basketball game on Sunday afternoon was just like that.

The location of the basketball game is set in the basketball hall of No. 3 Middle School. Because No. 3 Middle School focuses on sports talents, the sports equipment here is the best in the entire Jincheng.

The basketball hall is also very large, with three to four thousand spectators in the court.

Here is a little brother of Qi Hanjiang, who was still teasing, "I don’t know what the experimental middle school thinks, but I chose the third middle school as the home court. Although they know that their school is not as good as here, they don’t know the away game It’s easier to fight against their enthusiasm."

Another tall boy next to him smiled and said, "Anyway, I lost, so I broke the can."

"Maybe, hahaha."

A few people talked very happily there, and they were also very relaxed. Even this week, they didn't play much.

After all, the opponent is the experimental school team.

He was defeated.

Not to mention, there is a girl in it.

Because in any case, the girl must play at the school grass, but must also play at least one quarter.

Even the people in the third middle school are betting on whether they can score 100 points in the quarter in which the girl played.