Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 976

Fu Xichen\'s face sank when he heard Gu Luoluo\'s words.

"Gu Luoluo, don\'t be ignorant! You won\'t come back to work. Do you still want to be with Xie Junyan? Don\'t be so cheeky. Haven\'t you heard that others only treat you as a sister?"

Dead woman, gave her a step down, why doesn\'t she know how to go down the slope?

Do you have to resign and go home and marry a man?

She wants a man so much?

"Oh, Xie Junyan can\'t. There are other men!"

Gu Luoluo lifted her hair and said carelessly, "I\'m a woman. I always want to get married and have children. What\'s more, not only your men but also women have that demand! I don\'t want to be an old woman with endocrine disorders."

That demand!

Fu Xichen stared at Gu Luoluo, gnashing his teeth and said, "Gu Luoluo, how come I never found you so coquettish!"

Suddenly, the image of a woman singing and dancing on the bar stage flashed in my mind.

That kind of scenery doesn\'t fit in with her usual style!

He never seems to know this woman thoroughly!

"Yes, Mr. Fu, I still have thousands of faces to show in front of you. After all, you are just my boss. My other side just wants to show to my other half!"

Gu Luoluo looked at Fu Xichen\'s black face and slowly approached him, "or are you curious about my other side? Why don\'t you find a chance to show it to you?"

A woman\'s eyes are as beautiful as silk, and her rosy cherry lips spit fragrance, which suddenly catches people\'s attention.

Fu Xichen stared at Gu Luoluo, his eyes facing each other, and the other\'s figure was reflected in each other\'s pupils.

Fu Xichen later found that Gu Luoluo was seducing himself!

Most importantly, he was caught!

Fu Xichen\'s breath stagnated and said in a deep voice, "Gu Luoluo, sit down and talk to me!"

Gu Luoluo blinked and looked at Fu Xichen\'s handsome face. Suddenly, he felt itchy to touch it.

Man, it\'s really an interesting creature.

The more obedient you are to him, the more he ignores you.

On the contrary, he can look at you differently.

That\'s funny!

So in the emotional world, whoever takes it seriously first loses first, right?

She will remember that she will no longer obey him.

Gu Luoluo really reached out and touched Fu Xichen\'s handsome face. The smooth skin touch made her fingertips a little hot.

After touching, she got up carelessly, "Mr. Fu, the skin is good! Eat more and I\'ll go first."

Fu Xichen didn\'t expect Gu Luoluo to come like this. For a moment, he was stunned and watched Gu Luoluo take his belongings and leave quickly.

In response, Fu Xichen clenched his teeth and said, "Gu Luoluo, stop for me!"

Dead woman, it\'s the opposite of heaven. Was she molesting him in public just now!

How bold!

Gu Luoluo\'s heart beat badly in front, and his little face was hot.

She did not expect that she would really touch Fu Xichen\'s face.

She seemed to treat him like a little white face just now!

This feeling is quite enjoyable!

When she went to the cashier, the waiter told her that Xie Junyan had already bought the bill.

Gu Luoluo pursed his lips and thought of what Fu Xichen had said to himself.

Xie Junyan chose his career without struggling.

She was not surprised by his choice.

After all, their feelings have not reached the point where he can sacrifice everything for her.

She was just a little curious. If one day Fu Xichen could come together with himself, would he abandon himself under external pressure?

Look, it\'s still bright!

She\'s dreaming again!

One day, can Fu Xichen come with himself?

The luggage in her hand was suddenly drawn. Gu Luoluo looked sideways and saw Fu Xichen cold with a face and picked up the luggage in her hand.

Leng glanced at her and the man strode out.

Looking at the man\'s tall and straight back, Gu Luoluo smiled.

She doesn\'t care!

Just daydream for a while!