Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 975

The dishes have come up one after another. Gu Luoluo glanced at Fu Xichen, his apricot eyes shining.

She took a chopstick dish and put it into Xie Junyan\'s bowl. She smiled, "Jun Yan, thank you for your care during this time. Eat more."

Gu Luoluo\'s sudden enthusiasm made Xie Junyan\'s scalp numb.

The chopsticks on the bowl were like a time bomb, which made him just want to throw it away.

Secretly glancing at Fu Xichen, Xie Junyan swallowed his saliva and smiled: "Lolo, I have treated you as a sister since I was a child. It\'s right to take care of you."

At this time, he can only quickly get rid of his relationship with Gu Luoluo, so as not to lose his job!

Treat her like a sister?

Gu Luoluo\'s smile froze and looked at Xie Junyan for some unknown reason.

He didn\'t say that when Mingming was in the car. Why did he suddenly change the subject after she went to the bathroom?

Glancing at Fu Xichen opposite, he saw him eating dishes gracefully and inadvertently touching his eyes. It can be seen that a trace of irony flashed in his black eyes.

He\'s mocking her?

What are you mocking her for?

I suddenly felt funny.

She just used Xie Junyan to stimulate Fu Xichen.

But Xie Junyan didn\'t cooperate in the end.

So let Fu Xichen see a joke!

A meal, three people eat in silence.

Xie Junyan first put down his chopsticks. "Mr. Fu, Luo Luo, eat slowly. I\'ll go to the bathroom."

After understanding Fu Xichen\'s mind, what he has to do now is to evacuate quickly, be a man with eyes, and don\'t hinder his eyes.

Fu Xichen nodded slightly, "go to Fu\'s branch in Nanwan tomorrow, and I will explain matters related to cold ice."

This is a reassurance for him!

Xie Junyan was overjoyed and said in a good voice. He took his belongings and strode away.

Listening to their conversation, Gu Luoluo blinked his apricot eyes, as if thinking.

How did she hear Xie Junyan\'s intention to work for Fu?

"Mr. Fu, is Jun Yan going to work for Fu?"

Jun Yan?

That\'s a very kind call.

Fu Xichen smiled coldly and leaned against the back of the chair, showing a noble carelessness.

"Yes! I let him make a choice between you and work. Guess what he made?"

Gu Luoluo: "

Fu Xichen actually let Xie Junyan choose between work and her?


"Mr. Fu, what are you doing?"

"What do you do? Of course, it\'s to let you see what kind of man you want to marry."

Fu Xichen sneered, "Gu Luoluo, your vision is really poor. I only mentioned that he didn\'t even struggle. He chose his career without returning. You said, are you very sad!"

This kind of man is also worth her resignation. It\'s ridiculous!

Now, should she give up and come back to him again?

Fu Xichen looked at Gu Luoluo\'s silent face and hooked his lips, "OK, Gu Luoluo, I\'ll take your resignation letter as not received. Come back and be my private secretary."

Be his private secretary again?

Gu Luoluo looked at Fu Xichen, and his heart slowly rose with a trace of joy.

In fact, he cares about himself, doesn\'t he?

In fact, he didn\'t adapt to her suddenly leaving him.

So, in fact, he doesn\'t have no feelings for himself.

He just had an obsession in his heart, so he didn\'t have the energy to pay attention to her existence!

Therefore, as long as she continues to refuel, maybe her relationship with him can go further!

Gu Luoluo smiled, "Mr. Fu, I\'m sorry. As the saying goes, a good horse doesn\'t go back. I\'ve resigned, so there\'s no reason to go back."