Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 958

Hearing the woman\'s words, Fu Xichen\'s eyebrows and eyes were still cold.

He took his pocket with both hands and said coldly, "your two sons are suspected of deliberately hurting people. Their legal awareness is too weak. Let them accept some legal knowledge in it."

How can the people who hurt him not teach them a lesson?

"What deliberately hurts people? They\'re just defending the elderly!"

"Yes, if it weren\'t for you, how could our old lady still be unconscious in bed?"

"Yes, you should be caught!"


A group of people were shouting loudly.

Fu Xichen\'s sharp eyes swept around and didn\'t bother to talk to these people. He ordered the man in Black: "drive these people out of this floor. If you make trouble again, call the police."


The man in black took orders and began to drive away the crowd.

Fu Xichen turned coldly and prepared to enter the ward.

"Hey, don\'t go. You let my son go."

"Push what push? Don\'t think you can do whatever you want with a few bad money!"

"Yes, surnamed Fu, we\'re not finished with you!"


Gu Luoluo came out of the sick room, saw the noisy scene, and understood the context of the matter from their words and phrases.

Fu Xichen sent all the beaters to the police station?

But wouldn\'t this intensify the contradiction between the villagers and Fu?

It seems unreasonable for him to do so.

"Why did you get out of bed? Get in the ward."

When Fu Xichen saw Gu Luoluo leaving the ward, his face suddenly sank and scolded.

"Fu Xichen, they..."

"Lolo, please help aunt. My son didn\'t mean to smash you. Come with me to the police station and explain the situation to the police."

The woman with sharp eyes saw Gu Luoluo coming out and shouted quickly.

They were all old neighbors. Gu Luoluo watched them being driven away and quickly shouted, "wait a minute."

Several people in black paused and looked back at Fu Xichen.

Fu Xichen\'s expression was not worried. He looked at Gu Luoluo with black eyes and wrote a few big words on his face.

He said coldly, "what do you want? Don\'t tell me, you want to plead for them."

Gu Luoluo licked his dry red lips and softened his voice. "Fu Xichen, let\'s sit down and discuss this matter with them slowly. They are all uneducated country men. Don\'t see things like them."

"There is no culture, so we should go in and receive education to avoid becoming legal illiterate."

Fu Xichen replied coldly.

A woman who knows no good or evil. He did it to vent his anger for her.

Now she turned to plead for others. He was so kind that he was regarded as a donkey\'s liver and lung.

"Yes, you\'re right."

Gu Luoluo flattered and smiled, "but don\'t you think it\'s a little uneconomical to stop the project here for the sake of these little people who are not worth mentioning? President Fu, for the sake of the overall situation, I think it\'s better to forget it."

The woman looked at herself carefully, holding a drop of liquid in one hand. Her thin body stood there shaky, as if she would fall with a gentle push.

Fu Xichen\'s eyebrows frowned tighter.

He strode forward, carefully picked up the drops in her hand and held her with one hand. "What\'s the matter with you? I tell you, don\'t take the opportunity to add frost to your illness, so as to deceive me."

Gu Luoluo: "

Aren\'t they talking about the villagers?

Why did you suddenly turn the topic to her?

She wanted to deceive him.

The key is whether he is willing to be wronged by her?