Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 957

Fu Xichen\'s pupils contracted and a trace of annoyance flashed in his eyes.

"What are you excited about? Well, I take back what I just said. Your family doesn\'t use me as an ATM. You\'re the most noble girl I\'ve ever seen."

Knowing that she was unwell, what did he stimulate her to do?

The man\'s tone is rare tenderness and chagrin. Gu Luoluo\'s heart is full of joy even if his body is no longer comfortable.

In the past, he never spoke to himself with this attitude. This time, she was worth his injury.

Gu Luoluo calmed the pain in his chest, glanced at the man\'s big hand holding his shoulder, and the corners of his mouth could not help bending to both sides.

If only he could stay here and take care of himself.

Unfortunately, this can only be thought of by yourself.

It\'s nice to get a moment of tenderness from him.

Gu Luoluo thought wildly and leaned back slightly with the strength of his hand, but his eyebrows tightened with a hiss.

The pain behind her back is obvious now.

You can\'t touch it.

"The wound hurts? I\'ll call the doctor?"

Fu Xichen saw the pain on Gu Luoluo\'s face and tightened his sword eyebrows.

"No, the anesthesia is over. The pain is normal."

Gu Luoluo hurriedly took his hand and said pitifully, "I guess I can\'t lie down and sleep these days."

The woman\'s hands were slightly cold, and her small face was pale with pain. Fu Xichen habitually wanted to hurt her, but he couldn\'t say it.

The voice unconsciously softened, "if you can\'t sleep on your back, sleep on your side, maybe on your stomach."

"But I\'m used to sleeping on my back."

"Habits can be changed."

"Habits are the most abrasive and cannot be changed."


Fu Xichen held his turbid breath in his throat. Seeing that he was still held by her, he wanted to get rid of her.

But when she touched her pitiful eyes, she could only swallow the turbid Qi.

"Then you say, what do you want to do?"

For the sake of his injury, he tried his best to coax her a little.

Hearing Fu Xichen\'s deliberately soft words, Gu Luoluo pursed his lips, looked at the man\'s handsome face, and suddenly wanted to advance an inch.

Of course she wanted to take the opportunity to let him stay and take care of her.

Why don\'t you say what you think while he\'s talking?

"I think..."

A fierce noise outside, accompanied by a woman\'s sharp cry, interrupted Gu Luoluo\'s next words.

Both of them looked at the door of the ward at the same time, and their faces were serious.

"Lie down and I\'ll go out and have a look."

Fu Xichen had a guess in his heart. He loosened Gu Luoluo\'s shoulder and walked out with a cold face.

Gu Luoluo opened his mouth, looked at the figure of the man striding away, and swallowed the cry to his mouth.

After thinking about it, she got out of bed slowly with pain and moved to the door of the ward step by step.

Outside, a group of people came fiercely. It was the family members of the elderly who were unconscious and hospitalized downstairs.

Fu Xichen asked them to come out and scold.

Several bodyguards in black dutifully stopped the gang, but the first was a few women who had no strength to bind the chicken. They were inevitably scratched in the face and kicked in the leg. For a moment, the man in black was embarrassed and could only bear it.

Looking at this scene, Fu Xichen strode forward with a heavy face.


The low and cold voice sounded, with a frost like chill. The eyes swept around and were extremely fierce.

The troublemaker finally calmed down.

The woman in charge began to shout to Fu Xichen, "Fu, why do you lock my two sons in? You quickly let my two sons go."