Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 952

South Bay.

The special assistant Han Bing, who arrived one day in advance, took the luggage in Fu Xichen\'s hand and put it in the car.

"Han Bing, what\'s going on over there now?"

Fu Xichen sat in the car and asked.

"General manager Hui Fu, the transformation of Nanwan is basically going on in an orderly manner. The demolition work of several other villages has been implemented, except Yushui village."

Han Bing reported the work progress to Fu Xichen in detail, "We mobilized the villagers of each household in Yushui village for demolition, and we basically reached an agreement with each household. Just two days ago, a villager suddenly incited trouble. In the process of the noise, a villager was pushed down, had a heart attack on the spot, and is still being treated in the hospital. This villager is an old aunt who is nearly 70 years old. Now she lives in the hospital and has all kinds of family members Relatives came and asked us to give an explanation. "

These words made Fu Xichen look gloomy.

Fu took over the transformation work not only for money, but also for public praise.

So this project can\'t be flawed.

"Let\'s go straight to the hospital."


As the car drove along, Fu Xichen asked, "who is the family that suddenly incited the villagers to make trouble?"

"It\'s Gu Hai, who cares about his family."

Gu Hai?

Gulolo\'s father?

Fu Xichen\'s black eyes narrowed slightly, and a sneer came out of the corners of his mouth.

Gu Hai is a gambler. He helped Gu Luoluo settle his gambling debt before.

Now that the old house of his family is about to be demolished, does he want to take this opportunity to open his mouth and take more money as gambling money?

It\'s sad that Gu Luoluo has such a father.

Gu Luoluo\'s figure flashed in his mind. Fu Xichen frowned and couldn\'t help laughing in his heart.

Is he sympathizing with her and pitying her?

That kind of heartless traitor, what else does he pity her for?

Fu Xichen leaned against the back seat and closed his eyes.

An hour later, the car stopped in the parking lot of the municipal hospital.

Fu Xichen got out of the car and went to the patient\'s ward one by one with Han Bing.

"Mr. Fu, be careful. Those standing outside the ward in front are the patients\' families."

Han Bing looked at several thin guys and several middle-aged people at the end of the corridor and reminded Fu Xichen.

He was afraid that if Fu Xichen came, they would hold on to him.

Fu Xichen, who also saw several people, made a sound and strode in without changing his face.

When they came to the door of the ward, several chatting families had seen the cold ice and came forward to surround them.

One of the middle-aged women immediately grabbed Han Bing\'s clothes and scolded: "how can you still have face? You capitalists who drink human blood are all caused by you. My mother is old and in good health, but now she is lying unconscious in the hospital bed. You give me a healthy mother!"

"Yes, if you don\'t give us a statement today, we won\'t finish with you."


Several people behind the woman came forward and helped one after another.

Han Bing had a headache and said patiently to the middle-aged woman, "aunt, please let go first. We also deeply sympathize with the old lady\'s accident. No, as soon as we heard about it, President Fu rushed to visit her. Let\'s find a place to talk about it slowly."

Hearing Han Bing\'s words, several people immediately turned their eyes to Fu Xichen, who had been cold.

"So you\'re the head of the capitalists? I tell you, we don\'t want your bad money. I want you to stop work immediately, get out of the fishing village and give us a peaceful life."

The middle-aged woman immediately turned her gun head and became angry at Fu Xichen.