Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 951

Seeing Shu Lan\'s hesitation and vigilance, Fu Yunting lifted his thin lips and slowly walked up to her, "Lan Lan, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that you will be unable to control your interest in me after being with me for a long time?"

The low and charming tone was seduced. Shu Lan looked at the Charming handsome face in front of her, and there seemed to be a flash of light in her mind.

In a similar scene, the man hugged her waist and joked with black eyes.

"Lingling, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that you will not be able to control your interest in me after being with me for a long time?"

Whose voice?

Why is there such a picture in my mind?


Isn\'t that Fu Yunting\'s wife?

"Fu Yunting, you..."

"Stop dawdling and go."

Fu Yunting interrupted Shu Lan\'s sudden thoughts, took her hand and took her away without saying anything.

Shu Lan looked back and slowly moved her eyes from the man\'s tall back to the hands they held. A trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

Fu Yunting, what kind of man is he?

Does he really use her as a substitute for his wife?


The thoughts in my mind are chaotic.

Shulan swallowed her saliva and dared not think about it any more.

No, how could she have that absurd idea.

If she is Fu Yunting\'s wife, why doesn\'t he tell her?

She must have thought too much!

The evening wind blew and messed up her hair and her thoughts.

The man\'s palm is warm, holding her running forward.

Shulan closed her eyes and threw away her messy thoughts. She just kept up with the man and flew with him in the night.

I don\'t know how long they ran. They ran around the path from the north to the South and stood along the side.

Night, lonely beauty.

The sky is dotted with stars.

Looking around, you can vaguely see the lights at the foot of the mountain.

Shu Lan gasped and his heart beat, but he didn\'t feel tired. Instead, he was a little excited and excited.

I don\'t know why. I was inexplicably excited to run with him.


Fu Yunting still held Shu Lan\'s hand tightly and looked at her with his eyes as bright as stars.

"It\'s strange that you\'re not tired when you run so fast."

Shulan sighed and looked down. Only then did she find that her hand was still being held.

The gradually calmed heartbeat seemed to speed up again. Shu Lan was trying to break away from his hand, but he heard Fu Yunting say, "look up, is the meteor shower coming?"


Shu Lan\'s attention was instantly diverted and looked up anxiously.

But there are still only stars shining in the starry sky, and there is no shadow of meteor shower.

"Where is it? Fu Yunting, are you lying to me?"

"I didn\'t lie to you. How fast the meteor shower is! It passes in a flash. Who makes you look left and right?"

Fu Yunting pulled the person and motioned her to sit down.

Shu Lan was half convinced and slightly wrung her eyebrows. "Really? Has the meteor shower really passed?"

"Don\'t worry, there will be some. This time, we\'ve been staring at the top. Don\'t distract our attention."

Silly girl, of course I lied to you.

Just want to hold your hand all the time, don\'t let go!

Fu Yunting looked sideways at the smiling face raised by the woman, and the radian of the corners of his mouth was even worse.

"Hey, Fu Yunting, look, the meteor shower is coming!"

Shulan screamed, and her beautiful apricot eyes were full of light.

"Well, here we are! Make a wish quickly!"

Meteors across the sky, he wants to make the most pious wish.

I hope she is healthy and happy. From now on, they will never be separated.

Fu Yunting hooked the corners of his lips, slowly opened his eyes and looked sideways at the same woman with her eyes closed.

A moment later, Shulan opened her eyes.

Fu Yunting hooked his lips, "tell me, what wish did you make?"

Hearing the speech, Shu Lan glanced at him, and a trace of cunning flashed in her clear eyes.

"My wish is... Let the hooligans go out and fall into shit!"

As soon as her hand was loose, the woman got up and ran away flexibly.

Fu Yunting laughed, "who are you scolding as a hooligan?"

"Is there anyone else here?"

"Hehe, stop. Don\'t run if you have the ability."

"Don\'t listen, son of a bitch chanting scriptures!"
