Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 949

Old lady Fu was very angry. When she thought of something, a lucky expression flashed on her face.

She said: "fortunately, although Lingling was erased by Xi Chen, she didn\'t lose her mind. In her bones, she didn\'t like Xi Chen. Therefore, she rejected sharing a room with Xi Chen for so long. It\'s lucky."

Fortunately, the eldest grandson\'s daughter-in-law didn\'t do anything with the second grandson.

Otherwise, she will be the first to spare Fu Xichen!

Hearing what old lady Fu said, Fu Yunting was stunned and ecstatic.

"Grandma, how do you know?"

He had been ready to accept some facts that he couldn\'t think about more, but he didn\'t want to hear the great news from Mrs. Fu.

His spirit, or the spirit that only belongs to him?

"Of course I asked?"

Old lady Fu glanced at Fu Yunting, and a shrewd deser flashed in her old eyes.

"I tried to get her to marry Xichen, and then she told me some secrets. This silly boy always thought he had something wrong with himself. In fact, she just didn\'t like Xichen, so she wouldn\'t let him touch her."

i see!

Fu Yunting\'s breathing was not sluggish, and Junlang\'s face was full of excitement.

God has long eyes and gave him an innocent wife.

Maybe this is what is destined to happen.

It is destined that after his wife washes away her memory, the person she likes in her heart is still herself.

Fu Yunting couldn\'t calm down. He just wanted to see the most beautiful shadow quickly.

He got up. "Grandma, I won\'t talk to you first. I\'ll find Lingling."

Although he couldn\'t talk to her, he was full of joy as long as he saw her and as long as she was still around him.

"Go ahead. But don\'t scare her."

Old lady Fu looked at Fu Yunting\'s back and told him.

Also embarrassed him.

Finally got his wife back, but he couldn\'t explain the truth.

Fu Xichen, Fu Xichen, it\'s really disappointing.

Old lady Fu sighed and shook her head.

Outside, Fu Yunting strode to the house where Shu Lan lived.

In a hurry, he took a deep breath and tried to regain his agitation and restore his former appearance.

After finishing his clothes, he just wanted to knock on the door, but found that the door was not closed.

Black eyes moved slightly. Fu Yunting withdrew his knocking posture and pushed the door in directly.

In the eye, the woman is standing with her back to him.

The back is still slim, and the coat is shaking slightly.

This is

Fu Yunting glanced at the clothes put aside.

Is she going to change?

Should he avoid it?


This is my wife. What can\'t I see?

Fu Yunting was thinking a hundred times, when he saw the woman in front turning around, all the buttons of her clothes had been untied, and there was no doubt that there was a good view in front of her.

Shu Lan: "

She was thinking about something. How come a man suddenly appeared in front of her!

Moreover, his eyes are still staring at himself!

"Ah! Fu Yunting, you..."

Shu Lan\'s little face turned red and wrapped her clothes tightly around her. Her apricot eyes were wide open and speechless.

"Well, your heart is so big that the door hasn\'t been closed. Fortunately, it\'s me who came in. If other men don\'t feel better?"

Fu Yunting coughed softly. He had no consciousness of being regarded as a sex wolf. Instead, he blamed someone for being careless.

Shulan almost blew up when she heard this fallacy.

"Fu Yunting, do you want to be shameless? Others won\'t be as shameless as you. Aren\'t you the one who meets you most?"