Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 948

Fu Laofu left, but Shu Lan\'s thoughts remained in the dialogue with her.

Feel it with your heart.

This is what Mrs. Fu meant. It\'s the same as what Gu Luoluo told herself.

Her lost memory is the most real life of her?

So, what kind of person has she been and what things have she experienced?

Shu Lan was a little confused and wanted to use her brain to recall something.

But her head ached again, which made her frown and rub her temples.

Suddenly found that she could not recall the past.

This is not the first time.

As long as she thinks deeply, she has a bad headache.


Is it because her past was so tragic that her head automatically blocked information?

So, what happened in her past!

The baby\'s babbling sound came from the door, and Shu Lan\'s thoughts were brought back.

She rubbed her swollen temples, temporarily pressed her thoughts, and got up to take care of the child.

Let her think slowly.

The night came as scheduled, and the whole mountain quieted down.

In Mrs. Fu\'s room, Fu Yunting looked at the dignified old man opposite and touched his nose.

It seems that grandma is going to get to the bottom today?

"Come on, what\'s the matter with Shulan? If you don\'t tell me the truth today, don\'t call me grandma and don\'t expect me to cooperate with you in acting."

Old lady Fu stared at her handsome and innocent grandson, her wrinkled face full of seriousness.

"Well, grandma, don\'t be angry. I didn\'t say I wouldn\'t tell you."

Fu Yunting coughed softly, smiled and went to old lady Fu and helped her pinch her shoulder.

Mrs. Fu slapped him and glanced at him sideways. "Don\'t flatter me. I don\'t need someone to massage me. I don\'t need someone to tell me the truth. Don\'t you tell me quickly?"

She\'s so anxious.

This grandson is also very good at selling off.

"OK, OK, I say not yet?"

Fu Yunting smiled and sat down in a chair beside him. "But don\'t get excited when I say it, grandma."

"Not yet!"

"Shulan is actually Lingling."

In a word, let old lady Fu be silent, and there was no flash of shock in her eyes.

Fu Yunting knew that his grandmother was a wise old man. Maybe he had such a guess in his heart early in the morning.

He hooked his lips. "Grandma, did you guess long ago?"

"Yes, since she entered the old house, I have such a guess."

Old lady Fu\'s face was heavy. "What\'s the matter? How did she become Xichen\'s wife? They still have a son?"

Although there had been speculation for a long time, she was still shocked and incredible, but she didn\'t show it.

At the moment, she just wants to hear the explanation of her eldest grandson.

"It\'s ridiculous to say."

Fu Yunting took a deep breath and told old lady Fu everything about them.

Listening to Fu Yunting\'s story, old lady Fu was really angered by Fu Xichen\'s behavior even though she was prepared.

She slapped the table violently, her weather beaten face full of anger.

"Absurd, simple and absurd! It\'s incredible that Fu Xichen should play this game."

No wonder the great grandson wants to regain Fu\'s sovereignty. That\'s why.

She really didn\'t expect that her gentle second grandson would be so extreme because of her mother\'s death.

Change your sister-in-law\'s face as your wife?

Thanks to him!