Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 941

"Brother? Did you sleep well last night?"

When Fu Xichen saw that Fu Yunting was coming, he immediately hooked his lips, and his eyebrows and eyes were full of dese.

He thought Shulan slept with him last night.

The heart said, even if Fu Yunting knows that Shu Lan is Xia Ling, what can he do?

Can\'t we just watch her fall into his arms?

"I slept well. Must my second brother be right?"

Fu Yunting hooked his lips, and his dark eyes were full of faint light.

Of course he knows what Fu Xichen thinks.


Fu Yunting looked at Shu Lan and stretched out the palm of his hand with a female necklace on it.

"Yours, here you are."

This necklace is not someone else\'s, it\'s Shulan\'s.

Shulan was surprised and subconsciously touched her neck. Only then did she find that the necklace in her neck was gone.

It should have been left in the room and picked up by Fu Yunting.

"Last night, you..."

"Thank you, brother. Did you find it at the card seat last night?"

Shu Lan suddenly interrupted Fu Yunting\'s next words, and a cold sweat seeped from behind.

What the hell is this man trying to say?

Did you want to tell Fu Xichen that they slept in the same room last night?

Shu Lan blushed and stared at Fu Yunting. A trace of shame flashed in her beautiful apricot eyes.


Fu Yunting smiled thoughtfully and glanced at Fu Xichen opposite him. He saw that the smile on his face was disappearing at the speed seen by the naked eye.

The smile on his face was bigger. Fu Yunting looked at Shu Lan with both hands, and his tone was careless. "Maybe, where did you say I found it, I found it."

No one is a fool. He is deliberately telling Fu Xichen that he slept in the same room with Shu Lan last night.

Can he still get Arthur?

Look at that face. It\'s too dark to see anyone.

"Ah... Ah Chen, go and wash quickly. My eldest brother and I will find Lolo. We will wait for you directly outside later."

She must warn Fu Yunting quickly and never tell Fu Xichen what happened last night.

Shu Lan turned back and smiled at Fu Xichen, then pushed Fu Yunting out of the door and slammed the door shut.

In the room, Fu Xichen\'s face was gloomy and his clenched fist creaked.

Fu Yunting\'s words were obvious. He was deliberately implying that Shu Lan slept in the same room with him last night.

What the hell is going on?

He drank a piece. Did Shu Lan later live in the same room with Fu Yunting instead of him?

But he clearly remembered that he slept with a woman in his arms.

That soft touch is still fresh in my memory.

With some ups and downs, Fu Xichen found his mobile phone, found Gu Luoluo\'s phone and dialed it out.

When the phone was connected, Fu Xichen pressed his temper and asked, "Gu Luoluo, tell me about last night."

Gu Luomo, on the other end of the phone, replied, "last night you shared wine with President Fu. Later, when you drank too much, I and the waiter helped you upstairs to the private room to have a rest."

Hearing this, the nerves in Fu Xichen\'s head tightened, "so who slept in the same room with me last night?"

Don\'t tell him that the woman sleeping with him is Gu Luoluo!


"Last night, I slept in your room. Shu Lan and Fu always slept in another room."

Gu Luoluo\'s slow voice came from the current. Fu Xichen\'s pupil shrank suddenly. It was like a needle poking his own nerve in his temple. It hurt suddenly.

"Guluoluo! Why did this happen? Did you do it on purpose?"

"Yes, I did it on purpose! Fu Xichen, when will you deceive yourself and others?"