Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 940

Shulan finished washing, changed her clothes, gently opened the door of the bathroom and leaned out her head.

The room was silent, and the figure of the man was gone.

Shu Lan heaved a long breath and grabbed her hair. She was annoyed and upset.

Why did she sleep in the same room with him?

Although nothing happened to them, it would be great if Fu Xichen knew about it.

Thinking of this, Shu Lan quickly opened the room and wanted to go downstairs to the front desk to ask where Fu Xichen\'s room was.

At this time, the opposite suite door was opened and Gu Luoluo came out.

They both stood at the door, looking at each other and looking at each other.

"Lolo, you..."

"President Fu drank too much last night. I took care of him all night."

Gu Luoluo smiled at Shu Lan, walked up to her and looked at her up and down, "last night you..."

"Nothing happened between Fu Yunting and me last night."

Shulan blurted out and vigorously denied it.

Gu Luoluo blinked and burst out laughing.

Poor Fu Yunting, his wife is around, but he wants to get rid of his relationship.

I don\'t know when this abnormal relationship will end.

"Lolo, don\'t laugh. Where\'s ah Chen? Is he awake?"

Shulan was flustered and uneasy, and smiled at Gu Luoluo.

"He was too drunk last night and is still sleeping."

Gu Luoluo shrunk his smile and seemed to feel the warm touch of a man holding himself.

Unfortunately, what he called in his sleep was Xia Ling\'s name.

"Then I\'ll go in and see him."

Shulan straightened the broken hair in her ear and smiled at Gu Luoluo, covering up her inner discomfort.


Gu Luoluo nodded and watched Shu Lan open the door and enter Fu Xichen\'s room. He sighed in his heart.

A little envious of her!

Although she lost her memory, at least she was deeply loved.

It\'s not like her

In Fu Xichen\'s suite, Shu Lan stood by the bed and looked at the man who was still sleeping with his eyes closed. A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

He is her husband. When she didn\'t appear in Haicheng, there was only his memory in her mind.

However, he never appeared in her memory since she arrived at Haicheng.

Every night in his sleep, the man who appears is not him.



Is it her bad nature or something else?

There was a fog in her mind that made her want to get rid of it, but she was always blocked by something.

Shu Lan patted her forehead and wanted to go deep, but then there was a stabbing pain.

At this time, Fu Xichen in bed woke up.

Misty eyes began to focus. When he saw Shu Lan standing by the bed, he got up and said with a smile, "Lan Lan, are you awake?"

Shulan regained consciousness, and her face was still a little white.

The smile on Fu Xichen\'s face was faint, and he quickly got up and held her shoulder. "Lan Lan, what\'s the matter with you? Why is your face so bad?"

"It\'s all right. Maybe I didn\'t sleep well."

Shu Lan smiled and didn\'t want Fu Xichen to worry.

"Did I drink too much last night?"

Fu Xichen took Shu Lan into his arms and apologized, "I\'m sorry."

Hearing the speech, Shu Lan\'s body stiffened and a trace of shame flashed on her face.

Did he think she slept in the same room with him last night?

I hope it will turn over soon.


At this time, the knock on the door sounded. Shu Lan hurriedly pushed Fu Xichen away, "I\'ll open the door."

Quickly walked to the door, opened the door and saw Fu Yunting standing outside.

The tall figure was cold and arrogant, and looked beyond her to the inside.