Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 935

Shu Lan stood at the exit of the backstage, watching Gu Luoluo singing and dancing on the stage, and her ears were full of deafening music.

There was a moment of buzzing in her head, which blurred her vision and hurt her expression.

She hurried to hold the door frame, shook her head and rubbed her swollen temples.

A little vague picture flashed through my mind.

In the picture, two girls are talking and laughing, and the man beside them looks at them and smiles gently.

As soon as the picture turned, there was a messy fight on the stage. A man rushed to the stage, grabbed the girl\'s hand and left

Countless superimposed shadows rushed into her brain in disorder. Shu Lan\'s hand held her head and beat it painfully.

What are these pictures?

Why did it appear in her mind!

Men, women, who are they?

She wants to see clearly!

The man who pulled her away suddenly turned around

"Shulan, Shulan? What\'s the matter with you?"

Gu Luoluo\'s anxious cry sounded in his ear.

Shulan\'s thoughts were interrupted, like apricot eyes covered with a layer of water mist, and gradually recovered Qingming.

"I... I don\'t know."

Shulan closed her eyes and tried to recall the picture just now, but the picture was like a misty cloud of smoke slowly dispersed.

Are those all her memories?

"Shulan, do you remember anything?"

Gu Luoluo\'s Apricot eyes glittered and carefully explored.

"I can\'t remember. The picture is very blurred. My head hurts when I think about it."

Shu Lan frowned and rubbed the sun sky.

Seems to be touching the scene?

Gu Luoluo slightly lowered his eyelids. "If you can\'t remember, don\'t think about it. Do you still want to sing?"

"I won\'t sing anymore. Do you want to sing?"

Shu Lan\'s attention was diverted and looked at Gu Luoluo\'s clothes. She immediately joked, "Luoluo, was that you just now? You\'re so sexy and charming. You don\'t know how crazy the men below look at you! It\'s really an eye opener for me!"


Gu Luoluo put a pose and winked at her. "It\'s called that real people don\'t show their faces."


Shulan chuckled, "come on, let\'s go back to the card seat and see if the two brothers have drunk too much."

"OK, wait for me. I\'ll change my clothes."

Gu Luoluo looked at his clothes and turned to the dressing room.

This is the clothes she borrowed from the staff inside.



Is the man on the stage crazy about her?

What about him?

What would he think of her?

Will you be surprised, surprised and surprised?

Gu Luoluo changed his clothes and returned to the card seat with Shulan.

On the card seat, a row of empty bottles.

The two brothers of the Fu family are still filling you and me with wine.

Shu Lan and Gu Luoluo sat down and looked at each other. Gu Luoluo was silent and Shu Lan frowned.

"Don\'t drink any more. You two will get drunk if you drink any more."

Shulan moved the remaining wine bottles on the table to one side.

Fu Yunting glanced at her. Junlang\'s face was full of red because of the wine. His deep eyes were a little blurred and slightly picked up, showing the charm of hooking people.

He took a cup from one side, poured half a glass of wine into it and handed it to her, "have a drink, huh?"

Pick on the tail meaning, unspeakable hook people.

The misty eyes twinkled with a confused halo.

Shulan only felt a numbness on his back, like an electric current running through the tail vertebrae, which disturbed people\'s hearts.

"I don\'t drink. What if we\'re all drunk?"

The evildoer!

With whom!

Take away this bewitching look!