Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 934

Fu Xichen certainly remembers those days.

At that time, he had no ambition and care, and his life was very ordinary every day.

But I don\'t want to

Fu Xichen clenched his glass and drank the wine in it at once, suppressing his inexplicable irritability.

"Interesting? Fu Yunting, I don\'t want to recall the past at all, because the past life will make me look so stupid!"

Take the son of a mother\'s enemy as a good brother and work happily for him. He is as stupid as a pig!

So he doesn\'t regret what he did today.

They are also descendants of the Fu family. Why can Fu Yunting be blessed with the best in everything?

Including women!

Fu Yunting played with the wine cup in his hand and looked at Fu Xichen\'s gloomy face, which was vaguely agitated. He hooked his lips without refuting.

Really don\'t want to recall the past?

Is it because you are afraid that your hard heart will be destroyed and collapse?

Fu Xichen, in fact, he is not a traitor!

It\'s a pity

Fu Yunting sighed and filled them with wine.

"OK, let\'s not mention anything today, just spell the wine?"

He could care nothing, but if he moved his woman, their brotherhood would never return.

"What are you waiting for?"

Fu Xichen took the glass and drank it again.

At this time, the lively music stopped for a while, and several women who had been dancing on the stage stepped down.

Then, the melodious wind whirled in the air.

The light was dim and someone stepped onto the stage.

Singing sounds, and women\'s beautiful voice washes people\'s impetuous hearts.

Love is like life can\'t come back

I understand these principles

But when you really face it

It\'s the same old song.

He specially took care of Jiang Lingyun and asked him to arrange it.

Fu Yunting drank the wine in his glass and stared at the woman on the stage for a moment. What came to mind was the scene when he met her in the bar.

At that time, she had just married into the Fu family, with full of sadness.

And he has been bullying her.

It\'s funny to think about those years.

Fu Xichen on one side also stared at the woman on the stage, and his knuckles holding the wine glass were a little white.

The jealousy and melancholy in his heart were spreading wildly. He simply took the wine bottle on one side and poured it directly into his mouth.

This is the memory of her and Fu Yunting, in which he is just a clown.

Does he have any memories with her?

yes , we have!

But in those memories that belong to them, he is always unimportant in her heart!

Looking at Fu Xichen\'s gaffe, Fu Yunting hooked his lips, poured himself a glass of wine, tasted the wine leisurely and listened to the song.

At the end of the song, Shu Lan stepped off the stage.

The applause of the whole audience was like thunder, and there were cheers.

At this time, the lights changed again and the hot music sounded.

Then, several dancers came on stage, wearing cool coats and hot pants, and began to dance.

Then, the woman in the same cool dress came onto the stage and sang and danced to the music.

Dazzled by the lights, women have long hair and shawls.

The tight black T wrapped around her upper body, revealing her small waist.

A pair of hot pants lined her hips and lengthened her legs.

The music was hot, and the women sang and danced. The guests under the stage made a lot of noise. They began to enter the dance floor and jump with them.

The atmosphere was extremely warm.

Fu Yunting on the card seat sipped the wine, looked at the enchanting posture of the woman on the stage, and his black eyes narrowed slightly.

This is Gulolo?


It\'s an eye opener.

This kind of her is very different from the gentle and beautiful appearance in their eyes.

Sure enough, if a woman wants to change, as long as she is willing, she can!

Glancing aside, Fu Xichen saw that his eyes were full of blood and stared at the women on the stage with blue veins on his hands.

The wine in Fu\'s eyes flashed and played with it.