Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 870

Fu Xichen\'s footsteps paused slightly, and then a gentle smile hung on his face.

"Lan Lan, why are you standing there? Reading? Sleeping?"

"Well, I fell asleep after drinking milk powder."

Shu Lan watched Fu Xichen step by step, moved her mouth and stopped talking.

Fu Xichen reached over her shoulder and said softly, "what do you want to say?"

What are you trying to say?

Shu lanmo said, "ah Chen, your brother..."

She didn\'t hear all the conversation.

It was just Fu Yunting\'s last words before she left that baffled her.

What do you mean give him back his wife?

Who does his wife mean?

Is that her?

He looked at her with a little pain in his affectionate eyes.

That\'s the way people look at their loved ones.

He took her for his wife?

"Lan Lan, are you scared?"

Fu Xichen took her downstairs and sat on the sofa, "my brother and I are half brothers and have a bit of a quick temper. His wife has just given birth, and his attitude towards her may be a little cold, which led to her depression. Now her whereabouts are unknown. He thought I hid her, so he just..."

Fu Yunting has been to the island, and Xia Xi was left on the island by him.

This is a message from his people.

He didn\'t help Shaxi leave the island because their cooperation had long ended.

Now for him, Shaxi has no use value.

Therefore, he was ready to speak before Fu Yunting came here.

"Why does he think you hid his wife?"

Shu Lan was puzzled and asked.

"Because... We like a woman at the same time."

Fu Xichen looked at Shu Lan deeply with deep affection in his eyebrows and eyes.

Shu Lan was stunned and touched Fu Xichen\'s deep eyes. Somehow, she had goose bumps on her body.

Somehow I wanted to stay away from him.

She lowered her eyes, stretched out her hand and trimmed the hair around her ears, suppressing the strangeness in her heart.

"Ah Chen, do you like your sister-in-law?"

"No, I like you now."

She is no longer his sister-in-law.

She\'s his wife!

"Do I... Look like your sister-in-law? That\'s why you saved me at the beginning?"

Shu Lan raised her eyes and thought deeply.

Fu Xichen smiled and gently took the person into his arms. "Yes, it was like this at the beginning, but later... The person I like is you."

Shu Lan frowned and always felt something was wrong.

Unspeakable feeling.

Just feel that many things are like a mystery fog, so that she can\'t see or feel through.

"Well, don\'t think about it. Are you hungry? Let\'s go to dinner."

Fu Xichen did not want to stay on this topic and make a detour.

"Wait, look at your face."

Shu Lan looked at Fu Xichen\'s bruised face and got up to get the medicine box.

"I brought the medicine box."

Gu Luoluo, carrying the medicine box, quickly walked up to them and looked at Fu Xichen with a complicated look.

"Thank you. Lolo was thoughtful."

Shu Lan took the medicine box and bent her lips towards Gu Luoluo.

Guluoluo\'s red lips pursed gently, and a bitter smile flashed in his slightly drooping eyes.

Isn\'t it?

Because her eyes are all about him.

He\'s hurt. She cares more than anyone.

"Brother Chen, don\'t talk to you again?"

"Well, I listen to you. But what if he wants to beat me to death? You don\'t know, my big brother is very angry."

"Then stay away."

"OK, yes."


Looking at the man\'s gentle and doting expression, he is numb in the morning, but his heart is still like being pierced by a needle.

Fine pain.

Gu Luoluo didn\'t turn his head, pressed down his bitterness and hurried to the kitchen.