Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 871

Fu\'s old house.

Old lady Fu was shocked when she looked at her big grandson with a black nose and a swollen face.

"Yun Ting, what\'s the matter?"

Suddenly he said he would come to the old house for dinner, and he made it look like this.

The injury looks like a fight with someone.

"I\'m fine. Grandma, where\'s dad? Are you here?"

Fu Yunting didn\'t have time to take care of the wound on his face. A breath of depression in his heart was going to suffocate him crazy.

"Here I am. Yunting, what\'s up?"

Fu Baihai was originally in muyuan. After receiving Fu Yunting\'s call, he hurried back.


Fu Yunting called his father and looked at Fu Baihai for a moment.

But it was fleeting.

He didn\'t want to vent his anger on his father.

Even if you know, Fu Xichen\'s transformation has something to do with him.

But that is the gratitude and resentment of the previous generation.

He doesn\'t want to tangle with it anymore.

At present, he has more important things to do.

"Grandma, Dad, I came here today to tell you something."

Fu Yunting\'s black eyes contained rich ink, light and light, "I want to return to Fu!"

Since someone doesn\'t care about his concession, he won\'t give in any more!

For Fu Xichen, Fu has a deeper willingness than him.

For nothing else, for his mother, he won\'t give it up.

Well, we\'ll see.

He will let him choose between mountains and rivers and beauties.

He wants to know that on that day, he will smile and say, is Lingling his wife?

He will make him willing to tell the truth!

"Yun Ting, do you want to return to Fu? Why?"

Fu Baihai didn\'t understand, but he had a vague bad hunch in his heart.

"I am the original successor of Fu. I want to get back what belongs to me, can\'t I?"

Fu Yunting hooked his lips and his eyes were deep.

"Yes, yes, but you wanted to quit. Why..."

"Yunting, I support you."

Old lady Fu interrupted Fu Baihai and made a direct statement.

Fu Yunting gave a look and bent his lips towards old lady Fu.

It\'s the awesome grandmother who still hurts her most.

"Yunting, you are my favorite grandson, and your ability is obvious to all. Although I don\'t know why you made such a decision, no matter what you want to do, grandma supports you."

Mrs. Fu said, "before you quit voluntarily, the shares in your hand are still there, and grandma will draw another 10% to your name. This 10% is for my grandson. You can keep it for him until he becomes an adult."

Something big should have happened.

Otherwise, the eldest grandson will never make such a major decision again.

The shares in her hand were supposed to be allocated to her first grandson sometime.

Just give it to him at this juncture.

"Thank you, grandma."

In this way, he has far more shares than Fu Xichen.

Fu Yunting smiled gratefully and said silently, "after a while, I\'ll tell you the details."

It\'s not time yet. He\'s afraid to scare her.

When he\'s done, he\'ll tell her everything.


Old lady Fu nodded, got up and said, "Yunting, where\'s Lingling? She hasn\'t come to see me for a long time. When will you bring her to see me?"

Fu Yunting held her, and a trace of emotion crossed his black eyes. "In a while, her body hasn\'t recovered much. Let her rest at home for another period of time."

After a while, when he found her completely, he brought her back to the public.

"Yunting, dad has no other requirements. He just wants you two brothers to live in harmony and not fight inside, okay?"

Fu Bohai looked at Fu Yunting and finally said something.

Fu Yunting hooked his lips, "Dad, I know."

He can\'t fight inside.

He just wants some people to know themselves!