Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 862

Southwest villa area.

Warm standing in the center of the living room, looking at the huge villa, thinking about how to decorate it.

This is where Jiang Lingfeng lives, as well as his new house.

"Wife, you will be the mistress of this family in the future. This is the card, real estate certificate and key... From today on, all my wealth will be handed over to you, and you will only be in my charge!"

The low enchanting voice of Jiang Lingfeng last night echoed in her ears. It was obviously an ordinary word, but it was better than all the love words she had heard.

This man, like a poison, is deadly!

With warm eyebrows and affectionate eyes, he touched his hot little face and decided to go out to buy some things and decorate his nest.

I picked up my mobile phone and my belongings and was about to leave when the mobile phone rang.

Warm bowed his head and looked at it. Suddenly, his nerves tightened and a trace of tension flashed on his face.

It\'s Xu LAN.

Warm cleared his throat, hurriedly connected the phone, and his tone was soft, "Mom."

"Don\'t call me mom. I didn\'t admit you were my daughter-in-law."

Xu Lan\'s cold voice came from the phone. He pursed his lips warmly and remained silent.

It\'s understandable that the expectant mother-in-law doesn\'t like herself.

She doesn\'t care about her attitude.

Jiang Lingfeng has paid so much for herself. She is willing to grievance and seek perfection for him.

"Come out and we\'ll meet."

Xu Lan said a tea bar address and hung up directly.

Looked at the phone and hung up in a warm tone.

First go to see the mother-in-law to be, and then go shopping.

No matter how sarcastic the prospective mother-in-law may be, she will resist it.

come on.

Warm cheer yourself up, take your belongings and go out the door.

Came to the tea bar designated by Xu LAN, parked the car, took a warm deep breath, pushed the door in, and followed the waiter into the private room.

In the private room, Xu LAN is tasting tea.

The curling hot air blurred Xu Lan\'s cold face.

"Mom, I\'m coming."

Warm, pursed his lips and sat opposite Xu LAN.

Xu LAN put the teacup heavily on the table. "I told you not to call me mom. Are you pretending to be deaf?"

"Mom, no matter whether you admit my identity or not, I have obtained the certificate with Ling Feng. Therefore, even if you hate me again, you are my respected elder, and I will call you mom."

Warm, neither humble nor arrogant, smiled and looked at Xu LAN.


She\'s so articulate that she really thinks of herself as the young grandmother of the Jiang family!

Xu LAN stared at the warmth and came out of anger.

Warm smile, do not mind Xu Lan\'s attitude, respectfully give her water.

Looking at the warm look, Xu Lan also slowly suppressed her inner anger.

"Warm, we don\'t talk in secret. I came to you today just to let you leave my son."

Xu LAN took out a check from his bag and pushed it. "There are five million here. I ask you to leave my son as far away as possible."

Take the money and let her leave!

A bitter smile is warm.

Last night, Jiang Lingfeng gave her all his wealth.

If she really wants money, shouldn\'t she hold Jiang Lingfeng\'s thigh tightly?

"Mom, I said, Ling Feng and I are married. Even if I leave him, we are husband and wife."

"You don\'t have to take care of this. As long as you are willing to leave, I have my own plans for other things."

Xu LAN held her warm hand, softened her voice and took the warm route first.

"Warm, you are a kind girl. You should understand that as Ling Feng\'s mother, everything I do is for his sake. If you want Ling Feng to be good like me, please leave my son for my mother\'s sake."