Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 861

"Want to go back? Don\'t want to stay on this desert island with me... Shaxi?"

Fu Yunting looked at Xia Xi. His dark eyes were dark and boundless, deep and terrible.

"Well, no, Yunting..."

Xia Xi gave a subconscious hum. When Fu Yunting called himself something, his pupils suddenly shrunk and looked at him in disbelief.

"You... What did you just call me? Yunting, did you call me the wrong name?"

Why did you suddenly call her Shaxi?

Does he already know the truth?

How possible!

"My name is wrong? Shaxi, you want to pass me off as my wife by such a dirty means? You\'re looking for death!"

Fu Yunting grabbed Xia Xi\'s throat and seemed to break her neck in the next second.

The news of the assistant came and proved that the fake was the missing Xiaxi.

The truth has come to light.

I really want to strangle this woman!

How dare you join hands with Fu Xichen to play a group of civet cats for the crown prince?

It\'s bold!

Fu Yunting\'s face was as cold as Luocha from hell. It was terrible.

"Let go, Fu Yunting, let go, I\'ll be strangled by you."

Xia Xi\'s face turned from red to purple and then white. His hand kept picking Fu Yunting\'s arm, and his eyes had begun to turn white.

"Strangle you. I\'m afraid I\'ll dirty my hands."

Fu Yunting fiercely threw the man aside. The next second, Xiaxi was thrown into the sea.

Soaked and embarrassed.

"Cough, cough, cough."

Shahi came out of the water, coughed constantly, and climbed to the shore in surprise and fear.

Fu Yunting stood in front and stared down at the woman in the water as if staring at an ant.

Xia Xi was trembling all over, her face was blue and white, and she was like a water ghost in the moonlight.

"Yunting, I\'m not Xia Xi. How can I be Xia Xi? I\'m your wife Xia Ling! Please pull me up and let\'s go home?"

She doesn\'t want to stay here. It\'s terrible here. She\'s going back!

Xia Xi tightly grabbed Fu Yunting\'s trouser leg and vigorously denied it.

"At this time, you still want to slander Lai Xiaxi. Do you really think we are all so stupid that you can play with Fu Xichen?"

Fu Yunting mercilessly took away her hand, squatted down and patted her pale face, "Xia Xi, you\'d better pray to God to bless you to live. I won\'t kill you myself. After all, killing you with a knife is too cheap for you. I\'ll let you live and die on this desert island and become the saddest woman!"

"No, no! Fu Yunting, don\'t go! Don\'t leave me!"

Xia Xi looked flustered and desperately wanted to climb ashore.

Fu Yunting\'s cold voice came from the front, "I forgot to tell you that uncle Liu\'s family knows you are a crazy woman and will no longer provide you with accommodation. The villagers nearby will also know through uncle Liu that you are mentally ill. And I will send someone to guard this island so that you can\'t leave. Xia Xi, from today on, you can enjoy your wandering career!"

"No! Fu Yunting, one day husband and wife are kind. At least we slept in the same bed. You can\'t be ungrateful."

Xiaxi climbed ashore with difficulty and wanted to stretch out his hand to pull Fu Yunting.

Fu Yunting suddenly turned around and kicked her into the sea again.

"Shut up, crazy woman. One more word. I don\'t mind sending you to hell now."

The thought that he had slept with this fake for a night or two made him sick!

"Hahaha, Fu Yunting, you coward, there\'s already a green light on your head. What are you proud of?"

Xiaxi also stopped going ashore and sat in the shallow water, laughing with a crazy face!

Fu Yunting\'s forehead was jumping abruptly, and his knuckles were creaking.

Junlang\'s face was covered with clouds, but he didn\'t say a word. He turned and strode forward.

Behind him came Xia Xi\'s voice shouting and scolding, "Fu Yunting, Xia Ling has long been unclean. Don\'t be a turtle! Fu Yunting, stop, don\'t go, don\'t leave me!"


Fu Yunting turned a deaf ear.

He\'s going back. He\'s going to the next battlefield.

He wants to get the other half of his household register back!