Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 797

In the hospital, an Xueyan was holding a thermos cup in his hand. Looking at the people in black who stopped him in front of him, he was so angry that he almost threw the thermos cup out.

For three days in a row, she was shut down.

These people in black are arranged by Wen ruoqing. They don\'t let themselves in!

What about warmth?

Have you been in there and never come out?

Whether Jiang Lingfeng is a man or not doesn\'t care if he wears such a big green hat!


An Xueyan\'s hand clenched the thermos cup, turned around and threw it into the dustbin with a slap, and his eyes flashed fiercely.

Taking out her mobile phone, she sent a message out.

"What\'s the matter with you? Why hasn\'t there been any news yet?"

Since the scandal can\'t make her disliked by Jiang Lingfeng, this woman should disappear!

"Don\'t worry. She\'s been in the hospital. I always have to wait for her to be alone."

"As soon as possible, I don\'t want to see her all day!"

"I see."

An Xueyan took a deep breath, put his mobile phone back in his bag, looked up at the sky and put on his sunglasses to cover the coldness in his eyes.

In this life, there is nothing she wants to do that she can\'t do!

Warm, wait and see!

In the ward, Wenwen didn\'t know that an Xueyan was stopped.

She takes care of Jiang Lingfeng wholeheartedly and talks with him about the past from time to time in the hope that he can think about the starting point.

The doctor gave him a comprehensive physical examination and suggested that he could leave the hospital and rest at home.

So Jiang Lingfeng asked Jiang Lingyun to go through the discharge formalities for him.

Warm looking at this excellent VIP ward, I don\'t want to give up.

There are all kinds of facilities here, just like a high-end hotel.

She really wants to stay here all the time.

Because I can be alone with the person I like every day, this feeling is really memorable and yearning.

Once discharged from the hospital, she will have to face many practical problems.

And he also has his job. They can\'t be so close together as they are now.

Warm some absentmindedly packed up his things.

There was a shadow on her head, and then a pain in her forehead. Someone flicked her forehead with his fingers.

"Well, it hurts!"

Warm frowned, looked up at the initiator and touched his forehead.

Jiang Lingfeng looked at her with a smile. "What are you thinking? You\'re out of your mind?"

Since the doctor suggested that she could be discharged from the hospital, she began to float.

Aren\'t you willing to leave the hospital?

"I didn\'t think about anything. I just think time passes so fast that you can leave the hospital."

Really a little reluctant.

"Listen, you don\'t want me to be good?"

Jiang Lingfeng slightly bullied her and approached her.

"No, how? I hope you are the best."

Behind the warmth was the cabinet. She leaned against it and quickly refuted.

Jiang Lingfeng stared at her pretty face, bent his lips and whispered softly, "reluctant to leave?"

"No, I just think I miss the time when we were alone."

The man\'s breath is approaching, and his warm hands and feet are a little soft. His men consciously pull the corners of Jiang Lingfeng\'s clothes to support themselves.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s black eyes were like ink. He raised his hand and pinched her chin. His sexy throat rolled slightly, "can\'t you give up me? That\'s better..."

"Brother, warm sister..."

The door is pushed open, and Wen ruoqing and Jiang Lingyun come in.

When I saw their ambiguous posture, I couldn\'t help smiling.

"Oh, sorry, we really don\'t have a long memory. Why don\'t we know to knock when we enter the door!"

The warm little face flushed and hurriedly pushed away Jiang Lingfeng. "Well, I\'ve packed up all my things and can go."

"Ha ha, warm sister, why is your face so red?"

"If the situation, you come here, I won\'t hit you."

"I don\'t know, hee hee."
