Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 796

"Ling Feng, Ling Er, she..."

Warm wants to explain for her best friend, but Jiang Lingfeng interrupts, "warm, your best friend is really an eye opener."

"No, linger wasn\'t like this before. Maybe it\'s because she has a child that her temperament will change greatly. As long as the child is older, maybe her temperament will change back." Warm and busy.

"Will having a child be transsexual?"

Jiang Lingfeng glanced at her belly and looked at her pretty face, "I hope you don\'t become so unreasonable after giving birth to a child. Otherwise, I will definitely divorce you."

Warm: "

What\'s the meaning of this?

Quit her?

You can only get married!

Does he mean that he treats her as his wife!


Outside the hospital, Fu Yunting dragged Xia Xi into the car without saying a word.

Xia Xi cried out in pain, sat down slightly, rubbed his wrist and looked dissatisfied.

"Yunting, why are you so angry? You hurt me."

Hearing the speech, Fu Yunting took a deep breath and looked at her deeply. "Lingling, do you think you have changed a lot? I would like you at first because of your kindness, enthusiasm, cleverness and loveliness, but now..."

Fu Yunting paused. "What do you look like now, you know? Cold, selfish and mean, I don\'t know you at all. Lingling, I think we may need to calm down."

It\'s really hard to accept her now.

My heart is too tired.

Fu Yunting closed his eyes and depressed his irritability.

Calm down?

This is the prelude to divorce!

Xia Xi\'s heart panicked and hurriedly said, "no, Yunting, I haven\'t changed. I just love you so much that I can\'t see your care and care for other women."

She was acting too impatient.

She thinks that as long as someone compiles the DNA test report and makes Fu Yunting no longer doubt her, he will let go of Fu Yunting\'s love for Xia Ling no matter what she does.

But I don\'t think Fu Yunting will suddenly put forward a calm idea.

This is not what she wants.

Xia Xi forced out a few tears, grabbed Fu Yunting\'s hand and said pitifully, "Yunting, I really just love you too much. I know I\'m wrong. I shouldn\'t have said that just now. I swear, I won\'t do it in the future. Let\'s not calm down, okay?"

The woman showed weakness, which made Fu Yunting pinch his eyebrows impatiently.

Although the thorn in my heart has been deeply inserted there, my impulse has gradually calmed down.

He can\'t be so scum.

He liked his wife so much before. How could he start rejecting her just after she gave birth?

forget it!

Give her a little more time and maybe she can get back to her original state.

Fu Yunting was helpless. He still kept a trace of expectation in his heart. He sighed and patted Xia Xi\'s hand.

"Well, Lingling, don\'t think about it in the future. Don\'t you know what kind of person I am? There will be no other women in my heart except you."

Hearing this, Xiaxi breathed a sigh of relief.

She finally fooled me through.

Fortunately, Fu Yunting didn\'t really want to separate from himself.

"Well, Yunting, I love you."

Fu Tingxi put his arm on his shoulder.

Fu Yunting\'s body stiffened, barely smiled, patted her hand and pushed her away, "sit down, let\'s go home."

Or reject her proximity.

I just hope I can adjust slowly and recover as before.