Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 791

"Oh, sister warm, you are considerate. I shouldn\'t have poured out the soup someone brought last night. No, sister warm, don\'t harm those small animals. After all, some people\'s minds are vicious, which is beyond ordinary people\'s imagination."

Wen ruoqing spared no effort to mend the knife, which made an Xueyan\'s face extremely difficult to see.

Don\'t you know Lingfeng has been bullying her for more than ten years? Don\'t you really care if you\'ve been bullying her for a few years

After only one day, how can the warm momentum weigh on yourself?

What did they do to Jiang Lingfeng behind their backs?

Wait and see, she won\'t put herself in this unfavorable situation.

"Hey, are you finished?"

Before Jiang Lingfeng made a statement, Wen ruoqing interrupted, "An Xueyan, big brother is not stupid and won\'t be provoked by your words. Don\'t waste your energy. He is very affectionate. For the sake of your relationship with her for more than ten years, he won\'t do anything to you. However, you are a big musician. Don\'t be so thick skinned, can you? Can\'t you see? Big brother just wants to be alone with warm sister now. Let\'s go. If you don\'t go again, I\'ll drive people away."

While talking, Wen ruoqing pushed an Xueyan and asked her to leave.

An Xueyan has never been treated like this and is going crazy.

"Wen ruoqing, don\'t push me! Lingfeng, you say a word!"

Sitting on the sofa, Jiang Lingfeng finally glanced up at her, "go back, I\'m tired and want to rest."

This is to drive yourself away in disguise.

An Xueyan was ashamed and annoyed, and stared at Jiang Lingfeng who got up, "Jiang Lingfeng, you\'re still not a man. You don\'t care if you wear such a big green hat to warm you, you..."

"An Xueyan, why is your mouth so smelly? Go out and don\'t come back!"

Wen ruoqing pushed an Xueyan out of the door with a little force, and closed the door with a bang.

An Xueyan was so angry that he wanted to smash the door, but finally because of his identity, he didn\'t want others to see a joke. He had to angrily take back his fist clenched hand and walk away with a face full of reluctance.

She won\'t just forget it!

Warm, wait and see!

Inside the house, Wen Ruo took a deep breath and patted the dust that didn\'t exist on his hands, "finally drove away the plague God. Lingyun, should we go and leave some time alone for big brother and warmth, so that big brother can recover his memory as soon as possible."

Jiang Lingyun unconditionally agreed with his girlfriend, "OK. Brother, you have a good rest. Warm, brother, I\'ll give it to you."

"Hee hee, sister warm, you have to refuel. Brother, let\'s go. Don\'t bully sister warm, you know?"

Wen ruoqing holds Jiang Lingyun\'s hand and winks at warmth and Jiang Lingfeng.

Warm thanks smile, "you drive slowly on the road."

"I see. You have a good communication. No one will disturb your peace these two days."

Wen ruoqing waved to warmth with an ambiguous expression.

Watching them leave, they burst into a warm laugh.

"Ling Feng, if you love her..."

Warm wants to say that if love is too cute, but when you see Jiang Lingfeng\'s expressionless face, you can\'t help but sip your lips.

Did he have a pimple in his heart after listening to an Xueyan?

What should she do to make him not mind so much?