Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 790

"It\'s all there. It\'s so lively."

An Xueyan\'s eyes swept several people. Although he was disgusted, the smile on his face did not decrease.

Seeing an Xueyan, the atmosphere in the ward suddenly cooled down.

Wen ruoqing held his chest with both hands, raised his chin high and stared at an Xueyan.

"What did you come to do?"

Hearing the speech, an Xueyan gave a smile on his face and then recovered his indifference.

"Ruoqing, as I said, I\'m an old friend of Ling Feng. Of course I\'ll visit him every day."

Dead woman, how so annoying!

I want to tear her up.

An Xueyan cursed in her heart, but her face was gentle and small.

She put the breakfast she brought in front of Jiang Lingfeng, "Lingfeng, I bought you your favorite soup bag on the West Street. Eat it while it\'s hot!"

Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t speak, but he still had a paralyzed face.

The warm fingers standing aside curled up. The confused thoughts made her unable to think. She just stared at an Xueyan\'s face and said nothing.

"An Xueyan, you have a thick skin. As I said, if you have a warm sister to take care of you in the future, you don\'t have to bother you. After all, you are a woman with a snake and scorpion heart. Who knows what messy things are in the things you bring."

Wen ruoqing could not care so much and choked impolitely.

If you don\'t hate me so much, why don\'t you slander me

"Am I really slandering you?"

Wen Ruo snorted coldly and stepped on high heels to an Xueyan with a threatening momentum. "An Xueyan, if you want to rob a man, rob him openly and openly. Don\'t make people look sick like bedbugs in the gutter."

The aggressive momentum showed publicity and contempt, which made an Xueyan\'s face very ugly.

Just as she was about to speak, she heard Wen ruoqing say, "I ask you, did you go to Furong Street on the dinner day? Did you meet Jiang Nan? Did Jiang Nan\'s death have anything to do with you?"

In a word, an Xueyan\'s face changed and his apricot eyes twinkled.

How could she ask that?

Did she investigate her?

An Xueyan barely calmed down. "Wen ruoqing, don\'t spit blood. I\'ve been to Furong street, but what does Jiangnan\'s death have to do with me? I know you have a good relationship with Wenwen, but you can\'t deliberately slander me in order to help her."

She has done everything. They have no evidence to prove that Jiang Nan\'s death is related to her.

"Hum, an Xueyan, if you want people to know, you must not do it yourself. If you walk too much at night, you will always meet ghosts."

If Wen ruoqing knows what to say now, everything is useless.

An Xueyan will definitely deny it and doesn\'t want to waste more words with her.

"Well, I\'m too lazy to talk to you. What are you doing here? Don\'t you see the couple here? Don\'t worry, brother will never eat you. After all, sister Wenwen has fed brother long ago. Sister Wenwen, don\'t you think so?"

If Wen Qing wants to pick up people, he will vomit blood.

An Xueyan was so angry that his face was black and white. He glanced at Jiang Lingfeng sitting quietly to see his reaction.

Warm bent his lips, walked to Jiang Lingfeng, took his arm and looked at an Xueyan, "Yes, if Qing is right, I came here early in the morning. I\'m Ling Feng\'s girlfriend. I\'ll take good care of his physical and mental health, so I won\'t bother elder martial sister. As for the soup bag you brought, if you don\'t take it back, I\'ll feed those stray cats and dogs in a moment. After all, it\'s shameful to waste food."

An Xueyan said that she not only colluded with Xu Jiaojiao to frame herself, but also may be related to Jiang Nan\'s car accident.

Such a person of snakes and scorpions, she must be at odds with her and fight to the end.

Her man will never give in!