Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 767

"I\'m not talking nonsense."

Du Siqing took a warm look. "What\'s in my little warm stomach... May be my child."

So how could he not worry about her?

"You say it\'s just possible. Dusqing, warmth has men. Can you stop being amorous?"

"Why am I being amorous? I was with Xiao Nuan that night."

"Together what? Together? Aren\'t you dazed? Are you sure you have a relationship with warmth?"



The warmth was unbearable and interrupted their quarrel.

The hands in the quilt clenched their fists, and their faces were full of unspeakable embarrassment.

Fu manyun and Du Siqing quickly shut their mouths and knew that warmth was hard to feel.

"Warm, sorry."

"Xiao Nuan, I\'m sorry."

They apologized to warm with an apologetic face.

Warm closed his eyes, slowly got up, "I can go out, can\'t I? Xiaoman, take me home."

"OK, I\'ll go through the formalities for you."

"I\'ve finished the formalities. Just go through the discharge formalities." Dusqing hurried.

Fu manyun stepped out with a slight pause and his big eyes turned. "Du Siqing, since you have gone through the formalities, let\'s just do the good thing to the end and help warm handle the discharge formalities."

"OK, I\'ll go."

Dusqing did not hesitate. He took a warm look and turned away.

"Hoo, what a pestering spirit."

Fu manyun shook his head, looked warm and got out of bed. He hurriedly handed her the new clothes he had brought. "Warm, you change your clothes quickly and I\'ll take you home."

"Thank you."

Warm and absent-minded, he pulled the corners of his mouth, took the clothes handed over by Fu manyun and went to the bathroom.

The nose is sour and the heart is miserable.

I don\'t know how to go in the future.

The person she cares about most never appears. Has she really given up herself?

The tears rolled back in the eyes.

After changing her clothes, she came out of the bathroom, "manyun, I\'m ready."

"OK, let\'s go."

Fu manyun returned her warm personal belongings and handed her her mobile phone. "I\'ll help you charge your mobile phone and it\'s ready to use."

Warm took over, looked down at the mobile phone in his hand and turned it on.

The screen flickered, and she didn\'t see the familiar phone number except for a lot of push news and several unknown calls.

Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t even call her.

The warm red lips closed tightly, and the heart sank bit by bit.

She always knew that he was a cold-blooded man. He was more heartless than anyone.

But that\'s for others and irrelevant people.

She never thought that one day he would treat himself like this.

As if nothing intimate had ever happened between them.

Just like, they are just strangers.

Warmth is like a string puppet, supported by Fu manyun, sat in Fu manyun\'s car and looked at the scenery along the street.

Back to his apartment, looking at this familiar place, his mind is full of tall figures of Jiang Lingfeng.

The sharp eyes gathered their edge and smiled so gently at themselves.

And now

Warm heart a burst of pain, pain out of breath.

"Warm, what\'s the matter with you? Are you not feeling well? Sit down quickly."

Fu manyun saw warmth covering his chest and turned pale. He quickly helped her to the sofa and sat down.

"What should I do? I\'m really worried about you living here alone in the future. But President Jiang has an accident and can\'t take care of you. I\'ll see if I can find a reliable person to take care of you tomorrow."