Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 766

The detention center, warm in the four days, paced back and forth.

Day after day, for a month, she couldn\'t go out.

Fu manyun came to see her.

She asked how it was going?

She was vague and only asked her to be patient and so on.

She knew that things must be very difficult. She couldn\'t go out in a short time.

What should I do?

How long is she staying here?

Why hasn\'t Jiang Lingfeng come to see her once?

Did he really give her up?

There was a dull pain in my heart, my head was swollen, and my stomach suddenly turned sour.

Touching his chest warmly, he couldn\'t hold the acid reflux from his stomach to his throat, and vomited out.

Tears were squeezed out in an instant. I don\'t know whether it was because of physical discomfort or mental pain.

She stroked her chest and held the wall beside her. Just as she wanted to get up, she suddenly felt dark in front of her eyes

Wake up again in the hospital.

Looking at the snow-white wall, I feel warm and at a loss.

What\'s the matter with her?

"Warm, are you awake?"

The door was pushed open and Fu manyun came in.

"Manyun, why am I in the hospital?" He got up and asked.

"Don\'t get up, lie down."

Fu manyun hurried to the bedside, stuffed the warmth back into the quilt and watched her stop talking.

In that case, it seems that there is something difficult to hide.

Is she terminally ill?

Warmth tugged at the corners of his mouth, "manyun, if you have anything to say, I can afford it."

Fu manyun murmured, "warm, you\'re pregnant."


She\'s pregnant!

Then this child

He looked at Fu manyun in a warm and stunned way, and stroked his lower abdomen with his hand.

Accident, surprise, loss and hesitation made her face turn white little by little.

One month, exactly one month.

If there was no farce a month ago, the child must be Jiang Lingfeng\'s.

And now

"Warm, this child..."

Bang, the door was pushed open again, and dusqing came in panting. Junxiu\'s face was very excited.

"Xiao Nuan, you... I..."

When the party concerned came, his warm face changed again and again. He didn\'t know how to face it.

"What are you doing with me? Dusqing, what are you doing here?"

Fu manyun angrily threw a big white eye to Du Siqing.

Since the incident happened a month ago, because Du Siqing talked disorderly in front of reporters and said he wanted to marry Fu manyun, his fans began to bombard warmth.

Although public opinion has been forcibly suppressed, the warm human setup has long collapsed.

Originally, warmth was framed, but dusqing\'s remarks put her on the moral point.

People think that she is tangled with other men on the premise of having a boyfriend.

This is the evaluation of the masses for the warmth and debauchery of eating water melons.

The warmth of such a person is really half the credit of Du Siqing.

"Warm pregnancy can be released on bail, and Jiang Nan\'s compensation has been negotiated. I came to pick her up."

Du Siqing ignored Fu manyun\'s bad attitude towards him, but looked at the warmth deeply.

She\'s pregnant.

The child in her belly may be his!

"Don\'t worry. I\'m her assistant. I\'ll handle her affairs."

Fu manyun stared at Du Siqing, pointed to the door and said, "now, go out from where you come from."

"How can I do that? She\'s my person and I\'m responsible for her." Dusqing is determined not to give in.

"What\'s your man? Du Siqing, please find out. She is Jiang Lingfeng\'s fiancee and my boss\'s wife. Please don\'t talk in front of outsiders."

It\'s messy enough.

This man, what more chaos.