Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 303

Hearing Ye Qian\'s orders, Xia Ling didn\'t say anything. She just glanced at Ji Linhan, touched her provocative smile, endured her depression, and turned to the kitchen.

Fu Yunting is not here, but this woman doesn\'t pretend.

I\'m so hostile to myself.

There was a faint voice of discussion behind him.

"Mrs. Fu, your family is very talented and the successor of the Fu group. What does your mother-in-law think and how to let such a woman in?"

"Yes, I remember. This woman is now in charge of Xia family. I heard that she has a very bad private life? Tut Tut, Mrs. Fu, your heart is too big. How can you agree to let such a woman with no back and no personality enter the house? It\'s like insulting the lintel of the Fu family."


A bunch of gossipers!

Xia Ling said something in her heart. Ignoring these gossip, she quickly stepped into the kitchen, asked where the servant\'s tea making tools were, and quietly made a pot of tea.

She knows that ye Qian doesn\'t like herself. These embarrassments will come one day.

As long as she remembers that she has lived with Fu Yunting all her life and that he doesn\'t dislike herself, she doesn\'t care about those gossip.

When she made tea and carried a pot of tea to the living room, she heard a harsh sneer.

"If the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, there must be a mother. It is said that Xia Ling\'s mother had a bad private life when she was young and fooled around with several men. Finally, her husband found out and pretended to jump off the building. Tut Tut, what kind of daughter would such a woman give birth to?"

"Ah? What else? Mrs. Wang, you\'re so well informed. Tell us what else we don\'t know."


The gossip on the faces of a group of ladies stared at one of them.

Xia Ling\'s hand held the teapot tightly, and the original indifferent expression was suddenly cold.

They can humiliate themselves at will, but they can\'t talk about their mother\'s pain.

And confuse right and wrong!

The lady turned her back to Xia Ling. She didn\'t know that Xia Ling came out of the kitchen and continued to gossip: "I also heard that Xia Ling\'s mother was pregnant at that time, and I don\'t know which wild man it was, but..."

"Tea, madam."

Xia Ling went to the lady, poured her a cup of tea and lightly interrupted her next words.

After all, she said right and wrong behind her back. A trace of discomfort flashed on the lady\'s face, but it was fleeting. She glanced contemptuously at Xia Ling and was ready to take the tea that Xia Ling handed her.

Xia Ling lowered her eyes slightly and collected the cold feeling from the bottom of her eyes. When the lady was about to take over the cup, she suddenly tilted, and the hot tea splashed on the lady\'s hand in an instant, making the lady scream.

"Ah, it\'s so hot!"

The noble lady stood up and looked at Xia Ling\'s eyes full of anger.

"You... This hoof trampling, you deliberately want to burn me?"

Looking at the woman, Xia Ling bent her eyes and stood straight in front of her

She did it on purpose.

Who let her criticize her mother behind her back.


The lady was angry and painful. She glanced at Ye Qian and said angrily, "Mrs. Fu, look at her. She wants to murder! If you don\'t give me a statement today, I can\'t spare her."

"I\'m sorry, Mrs. Wang. Please calm down."

Ye Qian apologized repeatedly. While ordering the servant to get the scalding medicine, she looked at Xia Ling angrily.

"Bitch, don\'t you kneel down!"