Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 302

Back to the old house?

Ye Qian sent someone to pick her up to her old house?

Xia Ling\'s Apricot eyes narrowed, looked at the man standing outside, and vaguely remembered that he had seen this man like a housekeeper in the old house that day.

This person should be ye Qian\'s.


Her mother-in-law asked her to go back to her old house. She deserved it.

Xia Ling didn\'t interrupt to escape. She breathed a sigh, opened the door, nodded to the man and sat in the car sent by the Fu family.

The car sped all the way and soon reached the Fu\'s old house.

After entering the garden, Xia Ling came to the living room and heard laughter coming from inside.

Looking around, I saw a group of rich women in gorgeous clothes sitting together laughing.

It was Ye Qian who stood on the throne, and Ji Linhan stood smiling.

Did Ji Linhan leave the hospital?

Xia Ling pursed her lips. Ignoring her, she stepped forward and opened her mouth respectfully.

"Mrs. Fu, are you looking for me?"

There was a moment of silence, and all the ladies were looking at her.

Ye Qian glanced at her, as if she hadn\'t heard it, and continued to talk to the lady who had just chatted, "Mrs. Wang, where did you just say? Go on."

Just let her stand. It\'s a blow to her!

"Oh, I just mentioned the new daughter-in-law of the Qin family. I heard that he is beautiful, highly educated, good family background and modest. How can he marry such a daughter-in-law if his son doesn\'t look good and has no family background?"

"Isn\'t it! Look at my daughter-in-law. She\'s a broken settler! I don\'t know what my son likes about her. She looks coquettish. She doesn\'t get up until lunch time in the morning. She\'s so lazy."


Xia Ling stood quietly, listening to a group of rich ladies saying bad things about their daughter-in-law as if there were no one else, some speechless.

Why did ye Qian come back?

It\'s not necessarily to let her listen to the short stories of Eastern parents and western families, is it?

She doesn\'t want to be with you.

Xia Ling stood patiently for a while. Seeing that ye Qian didn\'t want to talk to herself, Ji Linhan suddenly made a noise when she just wanted to export.

"Aunt ye, I think Lingling is impatient. Why don\'t you let her sit down first?"

In a word, let everyone focus on Xia Ling again.

One of the rich ladies looked up and down at Xia Ling and asked, "Mrs. Fu, who is this? How do I think she looks familiar!"

"Yes, I remember. I saw the news two days ago. Isn\'t this Mrs. Fu\'s new daughter-in-law?"

Several ladies looked surprised and glanced one after another. Their eyes were mixed with disdain and contempt in addition to exploration.

Ye Qian smiled coldly, "what daughter-in-law? She is just a servant bought by my mother-in-law for 20 million and is responsible for our daily life."

Ye Qian\'s words are very merciless. She just doesn\'t recognize Xia Ling\'s daughter-in-law.

A group of noble ladies all have a small 99 in their hearts, and their eyes to Xia Ling are even more disdainful.

Xia Ling pursed her red lips and stood there without saying a word, allowing several ladies to look at her like monkeys.

I keep telling myself that this is her husband\'s mother.

For her husband, she can\'t bear it!

Seeing Xia Ling standing silent, ye Qian was a little surprised.

She was calm when she humiliated her like this.

This woman has a city government.

"Aunt ye, since Lingling is here, why don\'t you let her make a cup of tea for your distinguished ladies? At least it\'s worth it, isn\'t it?"

Ji Linhan smiled gently, but her words were harsh.

She agrees with Ye Qian and tramples on Xia Ling\'s servant position!

"Yes, Linhan is right."

"If you can make tea with Ye Qianling in the kitchen," said Xia aoling