Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1189

Eric smiled at Ann Xueyan.

He stuck it up and hugged an Xueyan\'s thin waist, stretched out his hand and lifted her chestnut curly hair, "Xiaoxue, how do I feel that you are more anxious than me?"

Hearing the speech, an Xueyan\'s heart jumped.

His eyes fell on the man\'s face. Seeing that he didn\'t see the cold look on his face, he smiled and said, "you are my dependence for the rest of my life. Of course, I\'m worried. I\'m at ease only when your industry is clear."

She doesn\'t want to be with this man all day.

Not only tired, but also bored.

Because his fiancee always runs over coldly and sneers at her.

This taste is really oppressive.

That\'s a high-ranking young lady. She doesn\'t seem warm. She can pinch flat and round it.

She\'s had enough.

But she can\'t show it yet.

Because this man is still her only dependence.

"Ha ha, she is worthy of being my favorite woman. She always thinks of me."

Eric put people close to himself, put his hands on her back, and a desire rose in his blue eyes. "Don\'t worry, as long as you follow me at ease, I will treat you all my life."

With such a hint, an Xueyan knows what he wants to do.

Endless boredom rose in my heart.

She hurriedly pressed his hand. "Don\'t do this yet. I\'m not feeling well."

"What\'s wrong? Let me touch it?"

"No, Eric..."

With a beep, whose mobile phone has information coming in.

Ann Xueyan put her hands on Eric\'s chest and hurriedly said, "Eric, there\'s a message on the mobile phone."

"Whatever it is, we\'ll talk about it later."

Eric is breathing heavily and just wants to do something first.

"No, maybe it\'s the information sent by LV Zhixuan. Read it first."

Ann Xueyan pushed Eric away with all her strength, pulled up the opened clothes, walked quickly to the table and picked up the mobile phone to check.

When seeing that the information displayed above was indeed LV Zhixuan\'s, an Xueyan looked excited.

"Eric, LV Zhixuan sent a message. It\'s done."

Eric looked discontented, but when he heard the news, his discontent dissipated a little.

He walked by, took his cell phone, looked at it carefully, and couldn\'t help laughing.

"I said the boy has two down-to-earth skills. Good. Wait another two days. When the warm disease occurs, we\'ll negotiate with Jiang Lingfeng."

What an obedient chess piece!

Eric grabbed an Xueyan and started happily.

An Xueyan didn\'t refuse this time and let the man rub it.

It\'s done!

Can she finally see Jiang Lingfeng again?

An Xueyan closed his eyes and flashed a man\'s handsome face in his mind.

She raised her hand and took the initiative to climb over Eric, overlapping the man\'s figure on the man in front of her.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s villa.

Jiang Lingfeng sat on the big class chair in the study and then answered the phone.

"OK, I see. I\'ll let you know as soon as I have any news."

The phone is between him and team Liu.

He should inform him of the progress of the matter as soon as possible in order to do a good job in the next arrest.

LV Zhixuan received Eric\'s instructions and asked him to continue to give warm medicine until she had an attack.

Then he\'ll show up and negotiate with him.

Is this Eric looking down on him?

Can such a mind be a leader?

Maybe it\'s color that makes you dizzy!

Jiang Lingfeng\'s eyes were full of sarcasm.

The door was knocked, warm pushed the door and came in with a fruit basin in his hand.

"Ling Feng, have some fruit."

Jiang Lingfeng looked at his beautiful wife and was in a good mood.

He got up, walked up to her and hugged her in a low voice.

"Wife, I don\'t want to eat fruit, because you are more delicious than fruit!"

Warmth: "...."

Is she delivering it to the door!