Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1188

Jiang Lingfeng returned to Fengyun media.

In the warm office, she and LV Zhixuan are anxiously waiting for his return.

Seeing that he came back safely, warm finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ling Feng, you\'re back! Sit down and I\'ll pour you water."


Jiang Lingfeng has soft eyebrows and eyes. Looking at the warmth, Qiao goes to bring him tea and water.

LV Zhixuan looked at Jiang Lingfeng and stopped talking.

Jiang Lingfeng knew LV Zhixuan\'s anxiety. He looked at him and hooked his lips. "Don\'t worry. Everything is going well without accidents. Your sister will be rescued soon."

Hearing the speech, LV Zhixuan looked excited, "really? President Jiang, have you arranged to save my sister?"

When he goes out, has his sister been arranged?

But he went out for something warm?

"It\'s a pleasant surprise to say."

Jiang Lingfeng took the cup handed over by warm, took the warm hand and sat on his side, drank water and looked at LV Zhixuan standing.

"Have you met Eric\'s fiancee Anna?"

Eric\'s fiancee Anna?

LV Zhixuan subconsciously shook his head.

He checked the information and knew there was such a person, but he had never seen it.

Something flashed in his mind. Before he opened his mouth, the warmth of sitting beside Jiang Lingfeng asked, "Anna? Is it the person who just asked you out to meet?"

It should not be the same name and surname!

"It\'s her. She\'s Eric\'s fiancee. She just talked to me about a deal. Your business and LV Zhixuan\'s sister can be finished perfectly."

Jiang Lingfeng put down his water cup, and Junlang\'s face was calm.

Warm heart was very curious, and hurriedly said, "Ling Feng, don\'t sell off quickly. Tell me, what deal did you make with her?"

"OK, I\'ll tell you everything."

Jiang Lingfeng smiled and told her and LV Zhixuan the whole story.

Warm listened carefully, his hand unconsciously clenched his fist.

An Xueyan is really vicious. She not only killed a person, but also ruined her reputation.

This kind of woman is really terrible.

"Why did she kill Jiang Nan? They should have no intersection?"

Thinking warmly, "also, she must have sent me the message that let me go there. This woman is really cruel."

Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t speak. He just held his warm hand and his eyebrows were cold.

These questions will be known only when an Xueyan is caught.

So next, they have to start deploying.

"President Jiang, what should I do next?"

Standing LV Zhixuan was excited when he heard that Anna could help him save his sister.

He must cooperate with Jiang Lingfeng and make sure his sister is safe.

"Follow the plan."

Jiang Lingfeng looked at LV Zhixuan with sharp eyes.

LV Zhixuan and warm looked at each other, looked at Jiang Lingfeng, and listened to his detailed deployment.


High grade club private room.

An Xueyan stood at the window with a glass of wine in his slender hand. Looking at the night outside, he felt inexplicably uneasy.

The day is almost over, and LV Zhixuan hasn\'t sent any news yet.

Will things really go according to their plan as they wish?

A warm body was pasted behind her. The man hugged her thin waist, tilted his head and bit her ear.

"Xiaoxue, what are you thinking?"

An Xueyan frowned slightly, drank the wine in the glass and opened his hand.

"Of course, I wonder if our plan can go ahead as scheduled."

She was tired of this kind of life and wanted to go back to Jiang Lingfeng quickly.