Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1177

In Jiang Lingfeng\'s villa study.

Jiang Lingfeng looked at the data just sent from the computer with deep eyebrows.

The door of the study was pushed open, with a fruit tray in his warm hand, he explored the probe and walked in gently.

"Ling Feng, have some fruit."

Jiang Lingfeng gave a sound, stretched out his hand to her and motioned her to sit over.

Warm and obedient, sat on his lap.

His eyes fell on the computer in front of him. Looking at some familiar materials on it, he couldn\'t help squinting.

"Ling Feng, this is..."

She knew that Jiang Lingfeng had asked people to focus on the investigation of LV Zhixuan.

It seems that there is a result.

"You\'re right. This is the detailed information of LV Zhixuan from small to large."

Jiang Lingfeng hugged warm and moved down the data on the computer for her to check carefully.

Warm hurried to look carefully and found that these materials were a comprehensive supplement to the materials given by LV Zhixuan.

"It turned out that LV Zhixuan was an orphan? He was adopted by the LV family since childhood. His family also has a younger sister named LV Zixin. He should have been a junior this year, but he dropped out of school six months ago and said he went to attend an artist training class?"

Warm looking at the information, muttering.

"Yes, the problem is LV Zixin."

Jiang Lingfeng opened another file. "I asked Wen ruoqing\'s men to help me find LV Zhixuan\'s recent communication records. I found that he had frequent communication with a telephone recently. And the owner of this telephone number is an overseas person. Guess who he is?"

I really didn\'t expect that it was LV Zhixuan.

And the person behind LV Zhixuan is

"Ling Feng, don\'t sell off."

Warm can\'t guess who it is, and his face is eager. "Tell me who LV Zhixuan contacted? Why did you say the problem is his sister? What\'s the matter? Are you sure the accident in our company is related to LV Zhixuan?"

A series of questions made Jiang Lingfeng smile.

He moved the man in front of him, raised his hand and nodded to his mouth. The voice was low, "if you want to know, come..."

Warm: "

When is it time for this man to do this.

Warm tooted his red lips. In order to quickly solve his doubts, he leaned slightly and kissed his thin lips.

Just wanted to leave, the back of the head was held down.

The man\'s strength increased and lingered on her red lips.

Smelly man, can you not be in heat at this time!

She wants to know the result quickly!

Warm secretly rolled his eyes. When he noticed something wrong with someone, he hurried to break away from him.

The red lips were moistened by the kiss, licked warmly, and stared at someone, "stop, stop, stop, if you don\'t get to the point, I\'ll ignore you?"

"Wife, I just wanted to get to the point. You stopped me."

Warm and angry, Nai fiercely scolded, "Jiang Lingfeng, be serious! Don\'t you know something\'s wrong with the company? Still flirting!"

What he said was obviously two different concepts from what she said.

Smelly man, do you want to kill her?

"Well, well, my wife is angry, and the consequences are very serious. Don\'t flirt now, but later, huh?"

Jiang Lingfeng immediately flattered and stroked the warm back.

Warm cried and laughed, "Why are you so annoying? Hurry to tell me!"

This man, how did he become so rude.

Where is it like a cold and boring CEO in the eyes of outsiders!

"Yes, yes, my wife."

Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t forget to steal the incense before he looked positive. He kissed the warm one. Then he looked calm and began to go on.