Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1176

Design a warm dessert house.

Fu manyun, with flour in his hand, looked a little trance.

The final result of the discussion was that LV Zhixuan was seriously suspicious.

How could this happen?

Did he really put hallucinogens in the tea?

Why did he do that?

No, it won\'t be him.

He is so calm and doesn\'t look like a bad man. How can it be him?

There must be a mistake.

"Boss, boss, you pour too much water."

The cake maker on one side made a sound to remind Fu manyun.

Fu manyun regained consciousness, quickly put down the water cup in his hand and smiled apologetically at the cake maker.

"Sorry, I\'m distracted. Come on."


The cake maker took over the work and smiled and asked, "why didn\'t Xiao Lu help today?"

Fu manyun took off his apron with a hand, and his heart pulled up again.

Everything was fine before LV Zhixuan appeared.

But it happened just a few days after he appeared.

Is he deliberately approaching himself?

He deliberately approached himself in order to find a chance to put ingredients in her dessert?

He\'s using himself?


Why did he do that?

Fu manyun bit his lip and felt his chest very stuffy.

I suddenly feel ridiculous.

Funny that his once closed heart was quietly opened for him.

But I don\'t want to. People are just using themselves?

Fu manyun sneered and felt dull.

Just wandering, a figure came down from the car outside the door.

Fu manyun came to the store and stared.

It\'s LV Zhixuan!

I really want to ask him immediately whether he put the hallucinogen in the dessert.

"Oh, speak of the devil. Here comes Xiao Lu!"

Seeing LV Zhixuan entering the door, the pastry master greeted him with a smile.

LV Zhixuan hung his lips and nodded slightly with him. His eyes fell on Fu manyun.

"Why are you standing at the door? Are you greeting me?"

The tone of joking seemed especially as if nothing had happened.

Fu manyun swallowed the question from his mouth and just looked at him steadily.

Is it him?

Did he do it?

"What\'s the matter? There are flowers on my face?"

LV Zhixuan touched his face and joked.

Fu manyun\'s eyes were slightly frozen, and his eyes swept the redness and swelling of his forehead. "What\'s the matter with your forehead?"

Hearing the speech, LV Zhixuan smiled on his face and raised his hand to touch his forehead. "I didn\'t pay attention to walking and accidentally bumped into him."

"Hit it? Why are you so careless?"

Fu manyun took him to a chair. "Don\'t move. I\'ll get you ice."

Natural concern.

LV Zhixuan stared blankly at the beautiful shadow of Fu manyun\'s turn, and the look on his face was inexplicable.

There was a joke from the pastry master in his ear, "Xiao Lu, do you have a crush on our boss? Come on, catch up!"

Have a crush on her?

LV Zhixuan regained his consciousness and slightly lowered his eyes to hide his apology.

She is a good woman, but how can he be in the mood for love?

He used her!

"What are you thinking? Who are you atoning for with your head down?"

A woman\'s funny voice came to his ears. LV Zhixuan was shocked and raised his head conditionally.

Fu manyun was holding the ice wrapped in a towel in his hand and looked at him with a smile in his eyes.


"Zhixuan, who do you think I have offended? How could someone put something in my dessert? Now Fengyun media has been pushed to the forefront of the storm, and Jiangshi\'s stock has fallen again and again. Is this person going to deal with me or Fengyun media?"

Fu manyun interrupted LV Zhixuan, put the ice on his forehead and stared at him for a moment.

LV Zhixuan\'s facial muscles shook uncontrollably, and his fingers pinched unconsciously.

"Maybe it\'s a prank! Fortunately, there are only hallucinogens in the dessert, which didn\'t have a big impact."

Men are nervous and unnatural.

The heat on Fu manyun\'s hand holding the ice faded a little until it was cold.