Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1171

Watching Du Mu and Lin Ke\'er start chatting, they bend their lips and leave quietly.

My mother-in-law is looking at her future daughter-in-law. Don\'t let her idle person get in the way there.

I just don\'t know if dusqing will really be with Lin Ke\'er.

However, just now he also made a statement in front of Du Mu, saying that the person he likes is Lin Ke\'er.

She knew that this was just Du Siqing\'s perfunctory, but she really hoped that one day, this perfunctory would become true.

I hope everyone has a good home.

Warm and deep breathed and looked up at the sky.

The weather is fine, warm and sunny.

I\'m in a good mood!

Warm, curved lips, ready to go back to the company.

When I came to the door of the hospital, I saw two acquaintances.

It\'s Fu manyun and LV Zhixuan.

LV Zhixuan still holds a child in his hand.

Warm blinked and looked at them coming from the opposite side and standing in place.


These two people seem to be very close these days!

"Xiao Nuan? Why are you in the hospital?"

Fu manyun saw warmth, surprise and embarrassment flash by.

"I came to see a friend. Who are you?"

"Good aunt."

LV Zhixuan held the child in his arms, raised his head and gave a clever cry towards the warmth.

"Well, hello."

What a clever boy, this should be

"Xiao Nuan, this is my son. He just called the school and said he had a fever, so I took him to the hospital to check."

Fu manyun explained to warm.

Sure enough, it was Fu manyun\'s child, who nodded warmly and clearly.

LV xingxuan glanced at him again.

The little guy is sick. Did LV Zhixuan bring the children to the hospital with Fu manyun?

These two people

Warm my mind and make up for what I thought before.

Maybe it\'s not her imagination.

Maybe this LV Zhixuan is really interested in Fu manyun!

Thinking, the warm and ambiguous eyes turned around on them, "Zhixuan, Xiaoman and xiaocute, please take care of them."

"Cough, xiaonuan, it\'s not what you think. Zhixuan him..."

"Aunt, uncle Lu is chasing my mommy."

Fu manyun: "

Warm: "

No taboo!

The smile on the warm corners of his mouth grew larger and looked at them vaguely.

Fu manyun\'s face turned crimson. "Zi Zi, what are you talking about? Uncle Lu is just kind-hearted to help."

The child, I don\'t know what\'s wrong, always matchmaking her everywhere.

"Uncle Lu, you often come to help your mother make dessert. Do you like my mother? My mother is the best woman in the world. You will be very happy to marry her."

The little guy hooked LV Zhixuan\'s neck and opened his mouth with milk.

LV Zhixuan didn\'t speak, but his black eyes moved and held the child\'s hand tightly.

"Zizi, are you still talking nonsense? Come here and hold it with your mother."

Fu manyun\'s ears were red and he was ashamed to bring the little guy over.

She didn\'t know why LV Zhixuan suddenly came very close to her.

Every day when she was off duty, he would go with her to her dessert house to help her.

As soon as they come and go, they are also warm.

He usually speaks little, which gives her a very calm feeling.

She didn\'t know what he thought of her.

But she knew that her once closed heart was quietly opening.

"He\'s a little heavy. I\'ll just hold him."

LV Zhixuan didn\'t give the child to Fu manyun. He smiled at her and warmth and strode forward.

Without refutation or recognition, such a ambiguous attitude is fascinating.

"Xiaoman, your second spring is coming! Feel it well!"

Warmth pulled Fu manyun down behind LV Zhixuan and whispered a joke.

"Xiao Nuan, stop teasing. He is several years younger than me!"

"What\'s age? I think it\'s nice for you to stand together!"

"Little warm!"
