Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1170

"Aunt, I\'m sorry to tell you again. I\'m really sorry."

She opened her mouth warmly and gently, and carefully pulled the sleeve of ladu\'s mother, with a clever and flattering appearance.

Du Mu glanced at her and touched her pitiful eyes. She didn\'t have a good way: "don\'t pretend to be pitiful, I don\'t eat this set."

Girls are more likable than boys.

She has had two sons in a row. She envies others for having daughters all her life.

If you have a daughter around you, you must be very considerate. You will never say anything angry with her like that smelly boy.

The warmth is

"Aunt, I regard elder martial brother as my own brother, so in my heart, I will respect and be filial to you as elder martial brother."

Warmth pulled Du\'s sleeve. "In fact, I envy elder martial brother very much. There is a mother who loves him like you. She will think of him for the sake of him and ask for advice for him in case of an accident. I really envy him."

Like her, her biological mother is worse than a stranger.

"I\'ve heard all about you. If you have a chance in the future, you can come to my house as a guest."

Du Mu is a typical knife mouth and tofu heart.

When she learned that the person her son liked was warm, she checked her details and knew her experience.

Just heard her say that, my heart softened.

This is also a hard child.

She can\'t be her own daughter-in-law.


"Really? Aunt, it\'s very kind of you."

With a warm and brilliant smile, I knew that Du\'s heart had opened and was not so exclusive to her.

"Don\'t flatter, my son, because your career is ruined, I can\'t have no problem with you in my heart. Also, don\'t get too close to my son. I know the child has ideas about you in his heart. I hope you don\'t let him do anything for you under the banner of your brother."

Du Mu hardened her heart and warned of warmth.

Even if the warmth will please her again, she still puts her son first.

It\'s better not to have an intersection between them.

Warm pursed his lips. "Aunt, I don\'t know what to say except sorry. I have a husband who loves me very much. I really only treat elder martial brother as my brother. Don\'t worry, I won\'t let him do anything for me again. I\'ll keep a distance from him."

Very helpless feeling.

But she knew that there was nothing wrong with Du\'s worry.

"Well, tell me, what\'s the matter with Lin Ke\'er?"

Du\'s mother changed the subject and asked about Lin Ke\'er.

"Aunt, Ke\'er is a good girl. She likes elder martial brother. If elder martial brother can marry her home, they will be very happy in the future."

Warm can\'t wait to say good words for Lin Ke\'er.

"Oh? Tell me what you know."

Du\'s mother was also excited and asked warm to talk to her with interest.

Warmth wanted to talk to her more about Lin Ke\'er, so she began to talk about Lin Ke\'er.

The two chatted with each other and answered the questions raised by Du Mu one by one.

"So, to sum up, Ke\'er is a smart, kind, forthright and considerate girl. Whoever can marry her will be blessed."

Warm, I don\'t know how long I talked. I was thirsty and made a summary at the end.

"Cough, warm."

Behind him came a cough.

Warm blinked, heard whose voice, suddenly, a burst of snickering in my heart.

Speak of the devil and he will come.

The visitor is the party Lin Ke\'er they were talking about just now.

Warm turned back, got up with a smile, stretched out his hand to Lin Ke\'er and took her to Du Mu.

"Aunt, this is Lin Ke\'er. Is she beautiful?"

"Hello, aunt. I\'m Lin Ke\'er. I just went up to see Siqing. He told me you were down there."

Lin Ke\'er changed his careless appearance and became formal and respectful in front of Du Mu.

Du\'s mother looked at Lin Ke\'er and was very satisfied with Lin Ke\'er with the warm explanation.

"Are you Ke\'er? I\'ve seen you on the news. I\'m more beautiful than the picture. Come and sit down. Don\'t be shy and have a good chat with me."

