Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1168

Warm went to the hospital, because today is the day when Du Siqing was discharged from the hospital.

When she reached the entrance of the ward, she knocked on the door and opened it with a smile.

"Elder martial brother, I\'m coming."

Dusqing was tidying up his things. Hearing the warm voice, he hurried back.

"Xiao Nuan, didn\'t you ask you not to come? I\'ve sorted it out. Go back."

"Elder martial brother, I\'m here. Why did you drive me away?"

It was warm and funny. Seeing dusqing\'s look of being eager to let her leave, he laughed.

"No, that..."


A cough came from the bathroom door.

Warm blinked, tilted his head and looked at the source of the sound.

The person who coughed was a noble looking woman, and his eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to those of dusqing.

This is

"You are warm?"

The woman raised her chin, walked slowly to the warmth and stared at her coldly.

"I am, you are..."

A warm faint thought, looked at dusqing and asked him with his eyes.

Dusqing\'s expression was unnatural. Before she spoke, the woman said, "I\'m dusqing\'s mother."

It was indeed dusqing\'s mother.

Warm immediately stood up straight, with a respectful face, "Hello, aunt."

Du Mu glanced at her with no smile on her face, Instead, he asked: "You made my son look like this? Is it immoral for you to be a married woman? You seduced my son and let him ruin his future for you, and finally he couldn\'t sing. You\'re so warm. You don\'t think you have great charm. Even if you get married, you can let other men die for you? It\'s hard for you to be like this Is Tao not afraid of retribution in the future? "

Du Mu was very angry and said very impolitely.

Warm slightly hung his head and said nothing.

I just twisted my fingers until they turned white.


She deserved to be scolded.

Du Siqing is her son. Of course she loves it.

Human common sense.

It\'s good for her to slap herself before she comes up.

"That\'s enough, mom. I don\'t like her. Don\'t scold her if you catch her."

Dusqing couldn\'t bear to be scolded, wrung his eyebrows and said.

He was afraid that his mother would heckle her after seeing warmth, so he asked warmth not to come, but they still met.

"You don\'t like her? Do you want to cover her up?"

Du Mu was angry and said, "if you don\'t like her, you will take her and elope together, and you will save her regardless of everything?"

"I didn\'t elope with her. I was just good friends with her. She was in a bad mood at that time. I just wanted to take her out to relax."

Du Siqing looked at Du\'s angry face and looked at her silent warmth, as if she had made a decision. "Mom, didn\'t you see the news? The person I like is not her. The person I like is Lin Ke\'er. She and warmth are also good friends. We\'ve been living with her for a while."

Hopeless feelings, he did not expect her response, just hope that she can remember her own good.

As long as she remembers her own good, she will cherish him in the bottom of her heart for a lifetime.

So he doesn\'t want others to destroy the relationship.

I don\'t want his mother to screw things up with scolding.

Only Lin Ke\'er can be used as a shield.

"Lin Ke\'er? Is that the singer?"

Du\'s mother\'s attention was distracted and looked at Du Siqing\'s bullying humanity: "Siqing, don\'t deceive me. If she\'s your girlfriend, let her see me. I\'ll ask her, what\'s your relationship with you, what\'s your family background? What do your parents do and whether they have bad habits..."


Du Siqing interrupted Du\'s mother and blurted out because he was upset: "can you not be so strong? No wonder dad couldn\'t stand your temper and divorced you!"