Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1167

Fu\'s villa is full of imaginative male and female voices.

On the big bed, the warm hands are against the man\'s solid chest, and the apricot eyes are as moist and charming as silk.


This man, can you stop.

As soon as I came back, I ate and wiped people clean without saying a word.

Tired paralysis!

Jiang Lingfeng stopped kissing, and his sharp eyes floated with dark desire.

He pressed the man tightly to himself. His voice was dull and dangerous. "Don\'t get so close to him. Don\'t sing to him the songs you write! Understand?"

"Ah? Husband, who won\'t you let me go so close to? Who won\'t sing the song you wrote?"

Warm face confused, completely confused about the situation.

"What do you say? Who were you with in the studio just now? Huh?"

Jiang Lingfeng pinched his warm little chin and bit his back alveolar with jealousy on his face.

Warm: "

This man, has the vinegar jar been knocked over again?

After a long time, he didn\'t allow her to come near LV Zhixuan!

What and what!

It\'s so angry and funny.

Warm, unable to laugh or cry, she thought that the first song she had just made was tailor-made for LV Zhixuan. It was certainly impossible for her not to sing the song to LV Zhixuan.

You have to obey someone\'s hair.

Thinking, warm hands around the man\'s strong waist, slightly raised his body, and kissed him on his sexy thin lips.

The voice was deliberately soft, "husband, listen to me. In my eyes, except that you are a man, everyone else has no gender. What\'s more, I will sign this LV Zhixuan in, just to let him play his greater role and make money for our company. Husband, I listen to you. I won\'t come close to her if I have nothing, but let him sing the song?"

Clever words, deliberately please.

A woman\'s eyes are as beautiful as silk, and her smooth and tender skin is pressed against his heart, which makes people feel passionate again.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s throat rolled slightly and turned over, making her the dominant position.

His voice was more hoarse and seduced, "you want to convince me? Yes! You take the lead. As long as I\'m satisfied, I\'ll promise you."

Warm: "

This man, do you want a face!

To negotiate terms with her in this way!

Let her lead!

She can\'t!

Warm cheeks flying rosy clouds, Jiao Chen said: "I won\'t."

"No? I\'ll teach you!"

"You, rogue, don\'t move."

"OK, listen to your wife, you come."


Warm saw the cunning of an old fox.

He is crazy to seek his own welfare.

But in the end, someone compromised.

Just warned her with practical actions for several days in a row to keep a distance from other men.

Warm, endure the pain on the body, and do the new song well with sweet honey.

Arrange the accompaniment part, and a new song comes out fresh.

In the recording studio, listening to LV Zhixuan sing the love and affection in the song with a magnetic voice, a warm sense of achievement suddenly came into being.

"Great, Zhixuan, you sing well. I will make persistent efforts to let you make the album as soon as possible."

Hearing this, LV Zhixuan flashed a wave on his calm face.

Moved his lips, but he didn\'t say anything after all.

Just a faint opening, "everything is arranged by Wen."

"Hey, hey, Zhixuan, you\'re calm."

A warm joke, looked at the time, "gone, it\'s time for afternoon tea again. Well, I seem to be addicted to Xiaoman\'s dessert!"

I\'m addicted.

LV Zhixuan\'s hands hanging on both sides of his body clenched slightly, and a trace of stiffness flashed on Junlang\'s face.

The mobile phone beeped and a message came.

LV Zhixuan slowly felt it out and took a look.

"I\'ll give you another day. Tomorrow, I\'ll search on Fengyun media!"