Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1165

Warm discussed with Dewey in the hospital for an hour. He probably had points in his heart, so he left with them and went back to the company.

When they left, Dewey looked at the unhappy dusqing and sighed, "Siqing, xiaonuan is a good girl, but she\'s married. You should take your eyes away from her. What\'s the name? Yes, Lin Ke\'er, the little girl is also good. I saw the news that you and she are boyfriend and girlfriend. Find a chance and let her meet me."

"Dad, that\'s all lying to reporters. Don\'t take it seriously."

Dusqing was a little agitated and closed his eyes.

"I don\'t want to take care of your business, but do you feel at ease when someone else\'s little girl cleanly gives you a shield? I can\'t take it seriously. Think about your mother and see how you explain to her when your mother comes."

Dewey got up and shook his head. "OK, I\'m tired. What do you want to eat in the evening? I asked my aunt to make it."

Everyone was young, and he didn\'t want to say anything more.

Some things are clear to the onlookers. I hope this son can think it out slowly.

"No, I..."

There was a knock on the door, and then someone pushed the door away.

"Si Qing, I..."

Lin Ke\'er smiled and carried a thermos cup in his hand.

Dewey looked at Lin Ke\'er with a smile on his face.

This should be Lin Ke\'er?

Real people are more beautiful than in the news.

"Uncle? I\'m Lin Ke\'er."

Lin Ke\'er didn\'t expect to meet Dewey. He quickly put down the thermos cup in his hand and said hello to him.

"Hello, I\'m the boy\'s father. Thank you for taking care of him."

Dewey wanted to go, but when he saw Lin Ke\'er coming, he sat down again.

"It\'s okay. I\'m idle, too."

"Hehe, where is Miss Lin from? Are your parents all right?"

"I am..."

Dusqing opened his eyes and sighed when he saw Dewey\'s look at his daughter-in-law.

His eyes were fixed on Lin Ke\'er, and his mind was floating.

She likes him, but he

It\'s so interesting between people.

Always chasing me.

Should he try to look back?


Fengyun media, warm, returned to the office, wrote and scratched with paper and pen, and finally composed the music.

Looking at the first song made by myself, I was warm and excited.

I really want to find someone to sing quickly and listen to the effect.

LV Zhixuan\'s face flashed in his mind. With a warm smile, he got up and went out.

Outside, the empty artists in the company are chatting and playing with mobile phones.

Looking around, I saw LV Zhixuan standing at the window talking to Fu manyun.

The sun came in from the window and shone on them. The man was tall and handsome, the woman was gentle, and looked very pleasing to the eye.

Warm blinked, I don\'t know why an idea flashed.

Fu manyun always wants to find a good man to marry after divorce. If she can

Cough, look at her. Stop teasing and be a matchmaker!

Everyone\'s fate is doomed.

I can\'t force it.


The warmth pressed down the wishful thinking in his heart and called LV Zhixuan with a smile.

Hearing the warm voice, LV Zhixuan revived, put the water cup aside and walked over.

"President Wen, you call me."

"I just wrote a new song. I want you to sing it and see how it works?"

Warm Yang raised the paper in his hand and smiled.

"OK." LV Zhixuan\'s expression was still calm.

Fu manyun was surprised.

"Wow, Xiao Nuan, you\'re a little too good. You\'ve written a new song in only one day?"

"Hey, hey, not as good as you. You can open a dessert house while working."

"Hehe, xiaonuan, can we stop boasting about each other\'s business?"
