Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1164

Warm came to the hospital, opened the door and saw the Du family and their son staring at each other.

"Professor, senior brother."

He coughed warmly and greeted them with a smile.

"Here comes xiaonuan."

"Small warm."

Both of them said hello to warm.

He bent his lips and put his food on the table. "I passed West Street and bought some red bean crisp. Have some."

"It was bought, not made by yourself? Next time I\'ll eat what you made by yourself."

Dewey took the warm food and opened his mouth impolitely.

"OK, no problem."

With a warm and brilliant smile, he took another piece of red bean cake and walked to the hospital bed, "elder martial brother, would you like to try it, too?"

"I don\'t like sweets very much, but you bought them and I\'ll always try them."

DUS, with soft eyebrows and eyes, took a bite with a warm hand.

"Smelly boy, I want xiaonuan to serve you and eat by myself."

Dewey glared at dusqing and scolded.

"I\'m hurt, so warm is waiting on me in the small villa."

Dusqing was unconvinced and replied.

"Oh, you still have a reason? Are you still not a man? A little hurt is chirping here. I tell you, when you feel better, you can leave the hospital. Don\'t make excuses... It\'s warm."

Dewey took a warm look and wanted to be more straightforward, but finally he euphemised.

His son\'s mind, he knows that warmth is also a good girl, but it\'s strange to blame the tease of fate.

People already have the owner of famous flowers, and it\'s time for their son\'s heart to be taken back from them.

"It\'s all right, professor. It\'s just a little help."

Warm heard the meaning of Dewey\'s words and said with a smile: "elder martial brother is like my eldest brother. He saved me again. I should take care of him, and Ling Feng won\'t have an opinion."

Big brother!

This is showing your attitude.

Du Siqing only felt that the sweetness in his mouth was so bitter that he pushed away the red bean crisp handed over again.

"No more?"

"Well, that\'s enough."

The taste of secret love is enough.

There is some depression that only you can feel.

Warm poured him a glass of water, handed it to him and took care of him to drink water.

Dewey on the sofa looked at the warm and gentle appearance and sighed again.

What a good candidate for a daughter-in-law. It\'s a pity.

"Xiao Nuan, you just said on the phone that you have something to ask me? What is it?"

Hearing Dewey\'s inquiry, warm put down the water cup, and a smile flashed in his eyebrows.

"Professor, I wrote some lyrics. Can you teach me to make a song?"

"Lyrics and music? Xiao Nuan, are you going to be a behind the scenes musician?"

Dewey took the warm paper and looked surprised.

"Yes! I just went to work in Fengyun media and plan to move behind the scenes. Therefore, I need more guidance from professors in the future."

Warmth is not hidden, smiled and explained.

"OK, have ambition. Let me see the lyrics you wrote."

Dewey praised again and again, took out his glasses from his pocket, put them on, read a few lines, nodded and praised with a look, "the lyrics are well written and artistic conception."

"Yes! In fact, most of them are written by Ling Feng."

"Really? Ling Feng still has this talent? No wonder the lines are affectionate. I think it\'s with emotion."

"Hee hee, Professor, how do you think I should arrange music?"

"You can..."

The sound of their discussion came into dusqing\'s ears. Dusqing pinched his fingers, shocked and envious.

Their husband and wife wrote a song together, and their feelings grew day by day.

And he, only envy!

Very envious!

Also very jealous!

Why isn\'t he the one who can write songs with her!