Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1162

Jiang Lingfeng stayed in the warm office for a moment. They polished the lyrics again, and the first version of the lyrics was finished.

Looking at the warm smile, Jiang Lingfeng was full of joy.

It\'s worth his effort to consult several well-known music masters and write these lyrics.

Fortunately, my wife seems to like it very much.

The cell phone rang abruptly.

Jiang Lingfeng took out his mobile phone and looked at it with a slightly restrained smile.

The phone call is from Jiang Fu.

Press the mobile phone into silence, and Jiang Lingfeng gets up. "Wife, I have something to deal with. I have to go."

"OK, go and be busy."

Warmth is still considering the lyrics. I wish Jiang Lingfeng would go quickly.

Jiang Lingfeng fondly pinched her cheek, "I\'ll pick you up later."

"No, I..."


Jiang Lingfeng couldn\'t help saying, interrupted her next words, smiled at her, turned and strode away.

Warm opened his mouth, looked at the man\'s back, bent his lips, and felt sweet in his heart.

Is this man going to be a conjoined baby with her!

We\'ll be together wherever we go.

Outside, Jiang Lingfeng called back.

When he got through, he shouted, "Dad."

"Well, Ling Feng, you\'ve got your warmth back. Aren\'t you going to come back to see me and your mother? Even if your mother has done something wrong, it\'s your mother. Are you really going to ignore us all your life?"

The voice of Jiang\'s father came from the phone. Jiang Lingfeng\'s eyebrows were deep and he said silently, "I know. I\'ll take wennuan back in two days."

He hasn\'t gone back to his old house since warmth disappeared.

He knows that he is unfilial.

But during those years, his mind was full of looking for a warm whereabouts.

And anger.

No matter how warm the child doesn\'t have it, if his mother doesn\'t strongly oppose it, warm won\'t be sad and disappointed. In the end, all kinds of problems add up to let her escape from reality.

Fortunately, warm and safe back.

Gave him a chance to atone.

Let her slow down first. After two days, he will take her back to the old house and discuss marriage with his parents.

And his mother, after so long, should be able to understand his determination to be a son.

No matter how much she doesn\'t like warmth, he will never abandon it.

"Well, your mother didn\'t say it, but she also regretted it in her heart. Bring back the warmth in two days, and our Jiang family should be lively."

Jiang Fu\'s tone was tinged with a smile, and Jiang Lingfeng also hooked his lips.

"OK, I\'ll hang up first."

"Hang up."

When the phone hangs up, Jiang Lingfeng puts his mobile phone into his pocket, turns around and looks at the closed office door. Thinking of the smiling face of a woman, his eyebrows and eyes soften.

I don\'t know if she still has a grudge in her heart.

But he believed that she was a generous woman and could turn over the past.

In the office, warm thought over the lyrics and breathed a long breath.

That\'s it. That\'s the lyrics.

Next, she\'s going to compose music.

This is a more difficult job. She has to consult an expert.

Who should I ask?

Dewey\'s face flashed in his mind, and the smile on his warm face was slightly restrained.

Professor Du was kind to her, but she made his son seriously injured and made him disappear for nearly half a year.

It\'s a shame to think about it.

What\'s the matter? You should call and apologize.

Thinking over and over again, warm found out Dewey\'s phone number, took a deep breath and dialed his phone.