Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1161

Jiang Lingfeng has eaten enough appetizers and accuses someone with spring in his eyebrows and eyes.

"Jiang Lingfeng, I solemnly warn you again that you are the president of Jiang\'s company. Your business is busy. Don\'t come here if you have nothing to do."

Hearing the speech, Jiang Lingfeng looked calm.

The assistant brought the food and spread it out in turn, and began to serve his woman to eat.

"I\'m here on business."

"What business?"

"Serve your wife to eat."

Warm: "

This man is getting thicker and thicker.

Open your mouth and come.

But he is also serious, which makes people\'s heart sweet to greasy.

"Come and eat."

Jiang Lingfeng patted the seat beside him and motioned to warm up and sit down.

"I\'ll just sit here and eat."

Sit opposite him warmly, so don\'t go to some dangerous person.

"Come here, or do you want me to come and hold you? Huh?"

Jiang Lingfeng tries to get up.

Warm bit his lips and hurried up, "Jiang Lingfeng, I warn you, eat and don\'t touch me again."

"Look at your mood."

"Jiang Lingfeng!"

"Come here!"

Warm and warm air stared at an old man. In the end, he couldn\'t resist his bullying. He walked to him with a wary face and sat down next to him.

"Sit down a little. Please don\'t worry, wife. I\'ll leave you dessert."

What dessert?

"Jiang Lingfeng, what tricks do you play?"


"Don\'t feed me. I\'ll eat it myself."



Someone, do you want to be so domineering!

After eating, warm finally knows what dessert is.

It was to let her hug him!

Fortunately, I didn\'t lift it high!

Warm, shy and helpless, I can\'t wait to drive him away.

Finally enough, Jiang Lingfeng asked someone to come in and clean up the things. Then he sat on the sofa, took the warm Lyric paper, looked at it carefully, and took the pen to write something on it.

You\'re not really helping her with her lyrics, are you?

Warm blinked, made a cup of tea for Jiang Lingfeng, sat on his side and looked at him.

"I\'ve experienced it personally. Spring goes and autumn comes again. The obsession at the bottom of my heart exists for you. How far away the road is, I can\'t stop my love for you..."

Watching Jiang Lingfeng write down a few lines, I feel warm and excited.

I don\'t know if it\'s because she substituted herself. Thinking of the hardships they experienced, her nose is sour.

Inexplicably want to cry.


It\'s like this is a true portrayal of his heart.

"Well, wife..."

Jiang Lingfeng stopped writing and looked sideways at the warmth. She was about to talk. When she saw her red apricot eyes, she couldn\'t help laughing.

"Fool, why are you crying?"

"No! I accidentally got sand into my eyes."

Warm tooted his lips and wiped the corners of his eyes. He didn\'t admit that he almost cried.

"Oh! What the wife says is what she says."

Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t delve into it either. She just rolled over her shoulder and raised the paper in her hand. "Look, what did her husband write?"

"It\'s OK! Although it\'s in vernacular, it\'s quite interesting to read."

Warm mouth hard, already took the paper and tasted it carefully.

Jiang Lingfeng lost his smile, rubbed her black hair and whispered in her ear, "wife, my love for you is like this lyrics, the reincarnation from generation to generation, and my love for you will never change."

The man\'s voice is still low and charming, warm and soft in his heart.

It is said that people engaged in art should be sensitive and think more.

That\'s right at all.

Look at her. Her heart is sweet to death, but her nose is sour and her eyes are red.

"Husband, you really hate it more and more. You always like to make me cry!"

"Well, I\'m sorry, because I love you!"
