Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1150

The two people in the ward didn\'t talk anymore, and the atmosphere was a little strange.

At this time, the sound of knocking on the door broke the silence of the room.

Warm and Lin Ke\'er walked in one after another. When they saw Jiang Lingfeng, warm couldn\'t help being stunned.

"Ling Feng, are you there?"

She didn\'t expect Jiang Lingfeng to be here.

"Well, of course I should pay more attention to your life-saving benefactor."

Jiang Lingfeng hooked his lips and walked to the warm front, raised his hand and trimmed her hair. In a soft voice, he said, "have you had dinner? Did I continue to sleep back after I left? I didn\'t call you specially for fear of waking you up."

These words are full of ambiguity.

Needless to say, adults know what this means.

A warm face, a red face, glared at him with a very angry face. "What\'s nonsense?"

She went to Xia Ling\'s house early in the morning.

But in front of outsiders, she still saved him some face and didn\'t refute him.

Jiang Lingfeng chuckled. When she was shy, she reached out and held her slender hand.

The love of holding hands made dusqing more upset.

I just want to be invisible.

Lin Ke\'er coughed and looked at Du Siqing\'s unhappy appearance with an apology.

She deliberately called Jiang Lingfeng after making a warm phone call, so that Dusi could clearly recognize the facts.

Sometimes, only when the thick sores of the wound are completely removed can the wound be cured quickly!

"Elder martial brother, what would you like to eat in the evening? Do you need me to prepare?"

Looking at Du Siqing warmly, he asked with a smile.

Dusqing glanced at her and stopped talking.

He wanted to say that it was impossible for her to bring a delicious person to see him at night.

Jiang Lingfeng stared at her covetously. He should have no chance to get along with her alone.

"Well, warm, don\'t bother. I\'ll take care of Si Qing. Don\'t worry. You and President Jiang are newly married, so we won\'t disturb your little days."

Lin Ke\'er made a timely sound and blinked at warmth.

The warm apricot eyes moved and couldn\'t help smiling brightly.

"Ke\'er, please take care of my elder martial brother."

Taking care of it may lead to feelings, isn\'t it?

I hope Lin Ke\'er can take this opportunity to cultivate feelings with Du Siqing.

"Don\'t worry."

Lin Ke\'er waved brightly, "if you have something to do, go and help you. Don\'t sprinkle dog food here. It\'s very eye-catching!"

Hearing this, warm and Jiang Lingfeng looked into each other\'s eyes, and their eyebrows were full of smiles.

Jiang Lingfeng said, "well, we really have something to go first. I\'ll take Nuan to meet someone."

He has found the hypnotist.

The misunderstanding between him and warmth will be solved immediately.

"Who are you taking me to see?" Asked with a warm face.

"Someone who concerns my reputation."

Jiang Lingfeng sold a pass and pinched her plain hand, "wife, let\'s go."


Nodded warmly, glanced at dusqing on the bed and bent his lips, "elder martial brother, let\'s go first. You have a good rest. Ling Feng and I will see you again tomorrow."

And Ling Feng to see him again!

Does she know that he only wants her to come to see him!

Du Siqing had no taste in his heart, but he couldn\'t say anything. He could only nod without saying a word and reluctantly smiled at warmth.

They turned and left. Du Siqing looked at the door of the ward with a decadent face.

"Well, Qing, what would you like to eat in the evening? I\'ll go back and cook it for you."

Lin Ke\'er spoke softly. Du Siqing glanced at her and opened her thin lips. "Ke\'er, do you like me?"

Lin Ke\'er: "...."

Do you want to ask her so frankly!

She\'s embarrassed to answer.


"Ke\'er, I\'m sorry. I only treat you as an ordinary friend."

Ordinary friends?

Lin Ke\'er\'s face was slightly stiff, but then he smiled and said, "well, I know. It\'s my business to like you. You don\'t have to bear a burden."

Ordinary friends, what\'s more, is the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend?

She\'s not in a hurry. Just take your time!