Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1149

Dusqing\'s heart was still depressed, and he covered his chest and coughed.

Jiang Lingfeng strode forward and wanted to pour him some more water, but he stopped him.

"Don\'t be so attentive. Brother Jiang, I just want to remind you that your mother will never admit that Xiao Nuan is the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family. A marriage without the blessing of her elders will not be happy. Are you sure you want Xiao Nuan to live in a marriage without blessing?"

"What\'s more, your mother once knocked out a child in xiaonuan\'s stomach. Are you sure if xiaonuan gets pregnant again in the future, your mother won\'t do it again because of suspicion?"

With his words, Jiang Lingfeng\'s action of pouring water was slightly stopped, and his whole body was covered with the cold of condensation again.

He put down the water cup and the coldness on his face slowly subsided.

"Let go of her hand, but I will never let it happen again, no matter what happens to me."

"Well, if your mother threatened her life and asked you to choose between her and xiaonuan, who would you choose?"

Dusqing sneered and asked wickedly.

The problem is unsolved.

It\'s like when your mother and wife fall into the water at the same time, you\'ll save who first. Whoever you choose is an asshole.

The person who has such a problem must also be a dark person in his heart.

He admitted that at this moment, his heart was dark.

"I won\'t let this happen."

Jiang Lingfeng\'s face was slightly stretched and said.

"But what if? If you have to choose, who do you choose?"

"Not in case."

He won\'t put himself in such a dilemma.

He will make preparations in advance and will find ways to make their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship better.

If it doesn\'t work, it\'s a big deal that they don\'t meet much.

Distance will produce beauty.

"Oh, brother Jiang, in fact, you\'re just prevaricating me, aren\'t you? In your heart, you care more about your mother\'s feelings?"

Dusqing sneered and stared at Jiang Lingfeng.

Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t answer directly, but said silently, "Si Qing, it\'s hard for honest officials to stop housework. I want to ask you, if one day you try hard to catch up with a wife your mother doesn\'t like, she wants you to choose between her and your wife, who will you choose?"

Dusqing\'s mother divorced his father when dusqing was very young.

He grew up abroad with his mother. Although he drank foreign ink, after several contacts, his bones still put traditional filial piety first.

So he will ask him this question.

If he had thought about it in another position, maybe he wouldn\'t be entangled in it.

"My mother won\'t be as unreasonable as your mother and knock out the baby in her warm stomach."

Dusqing frowned and said coldly.

"What if?"

Jiang Lingfeng was not annoyed, and continued: "if your mother knew that her son, whom she had worked hard to cultivate, actually destroyed her future for a woman, would she be so angry that she lost her mind and regarded the woman you like as a thorn in the flesh?"

"No, my mother is very open-minded, not that narrow-minded country woman."

Du Siqing knew that Jiang Lingfeng meant something and tried his best to defend it.

Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t speak again, but looked at Du Siqing with a smile. The deep meaning in his sharp eyes made Du Siqing upset.

Actually, he\'s not sure, okay?

It suddenly occurred to me that as soon as his news fermented, his mother who was far away abroad should be mad at him.

He is really unfilial!