Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1127

"Qin, you..."

The threat of Qin Fen\'s anger turned Xu Bingkun\'s eyes and almost carried him away.

Xu Jiaojiao hurriedly ran over to help him follow his anger.

She looked up at Qin Fen and shouted, "well, shut up. Dad and mom, what do you want to do? Do you really want to break up the family? If you still think I\'m your daughter, step back and stop arguing. It\'s inconsistent at this time. Is it interesting for you to quarrel?"

Hearing Xu Jiaojiao\'s words, Qin Fen and Xu Bingkun glared at each other fiercely, and then quickly shut their eyes, but they didn\'t quarrel any more.

Xu Jiaojiao breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Qin Fen and said, "Mom, I\'m hungry. Please put your luggage back quickly and cook food for me."

This family cannot be separated.

As long as they get through this difficulty, they are still the Xu family.

"Jiao Jiao, I don\'t care about some people for your face. I\'m really..."

Qin Fen\'s eyes were red. She glanced at Xu Bingkun again and went back to her room with her suitcase.

"You are still wronged, I......"

"Dad, come on!"

Xu Jiaojiao quickly stopped Xu Bingkun\'s reprimand and helped him caress his back. "I\'d better find a relationship quickly and see how to settle the scandal."

Xu Bingkun\'s face was blue and he vomited deeply. Then he began to call.

The quarrel finally came to an end. Xu Jiaojiao persuaded them and went back to their room.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, thoughts flying.

Their Xu family will experience this disaster, which is caused by warmth!

Warm, where is she now?

She must kill her!

Xu Jiaojiao\'s eyes burst out with deep hatred.

Her eyes turned. She took out her cell phone and called her assistant.

"Help me spread the news on the Internet and say that she saw the warmth in the suburbs. She and dusqing lived together shamelessly. A married woman has harmed a promising musician."

Since warmth is not dead, dusqing must not be dead.

Because when she met warm that day, she clearly remembered that warm was carrying tonic in her hand.

She and dusqing must live nearby.

Du Siqing has a group of fans who have always been hostile to warmth.

Now she let people release such rumors on the Internet. With the enthusiasm of those fans, she will try every means to find out where they live.

As long as the fans make trouble and warm, will she have a good life?

Yes, that\'s it!

Warm this bitch and don\'t make their Xu family feel better. She won\'t feel better either!

Xu Jiaojiao hung her lips coldly. After giving orders to the assistant, she thought of another person.

Calm down, she dialed another phone.

She can\'t forget Ann Xueyan.

The person who hates warmth most except her is an Xueyan.

She wouldn\'t want to hear the warm news that she was still alive.

They are allies. We must find a way to kill them!

Xu Jiaojiao dialed the phone and began to brew emotions.

As soon as the phone was connected, Xu Jiaojiao began to cry, "teacher an, it\'s me, Xu Jiaojiao."

"I know. What\'s up?"

"Teacher an, did you see the news about our Xu family? Our Xu family is going to be killed by warmth!"

Xu Jiaojiao sobbed, and an Xueyan\'s shocked voice came from the current, "what do you say? Warmth is going to kill your Xu family? Isn\'t warmth dead?"

"She\'s not dead, she\'s not dead at all. She\'s been living with Du Siqing. She suddenly appeared some time ago. My mother took her back to the Xu family, so she began to make waves in my family, so that now, scandals in our Xu family are flying all over the world."